FAQ About Spirit Guides
(Frequently Asked Questions)
*What are Spirit Guides?
To my way of thinking, and based on what I've read so far as well as my own experiences, Spirit Guides are entities or beings that are currently in the spirit realms or dimensions. These are individuals, or groups of individuals, who have agreed with a person on the earth plane to act as their guide or guardian. Usually we enter into this agreement with at least one "primary guide" prior to being born into a physical body.
These "primary guides" are often other members of our Soul Group, and we have quite likely traded "guide duties" with them during various lifetimes. (That's a generalization, of course, and there are undoubtedly a frequent number of exceptions. )
We can also call other guides to us as we need or desire their extra help, and it is not uncommon to have two or more guides assisting us at a given moment. Many of the guides with which we work are beings who have lived on this earth plane at one time or another (or many lifetimes), but there are guides who are from other worlds as well. Also, many of the "special guides" that come to help us with special needs or learning experiences seem to be more evolved beings, or 'old souls' who are willingly sharing their expertise and expanded knowledge with those of us still working on our evolvement and enlightenment.
*Are Spirit Guides the same as Angels?
Guides, while similar to Angels, are different, in my opinion. I do think that their "duties" or influences can overlap each other. Many people believe that Spirit Guides and Angels are one and the same thing, and that's fine too. And there may be some validity to that viewpoint anyway.
Angels, though, seem to be on a slightly different plane, and seem to have a slightly different purpose for working with humans. Angels, I think, especially Guardian Angels, seem to be more the type to hover nearby and assist in emergencies even without our asking them to.
While Spirit Guides, although they will help unasked, seem more to be teachers and guides rather than specifically guardians. A fine line of distinction, but a very real one, to my way of thinking. One of the "separations" that I sense is that Angels are working on a little different "plan of evolvement" than are Spirit Guides. While Spirit Guides are often beings who have lived on this earth plane themselves, Angels seem to be beings who have worked through their evolvement elsewhere and are now serving as Guardians and 'inspirers' for those of us evolving here.
However, I am aware that in some instances, it does seem that some humans achieve 'angel status' upon their passing over into the next dimension, and then to work from that perspective. And, of course, we do know that Angels can and do appear in 'human form' from time to time, just as Spirit Guides can and will show themselves in a 'physical manifestation.'
*What purpose does a Spirit Guide serve?
One of the primary purposes that Spirit Guides seem to have is the guiding and teaching of those under their care. They agree to help us remember the lessons we set up for ourselves in this life, and to instruct us with regards to those lessons. They can, and will, teach us as much as we want to learn, in my opinion. Their guidance, though, is of a very gentle nature. And they will not give us any more than we are ready to receive and capable of perceiving. They're here to help us to learn, but they won't shove the information on us if decide we really don't want to do that after all. They'll counsel and help us see other perspectives, but they won't make the decisions for us; the choices are ours to make and to live with afterwards...
*How many Spirit Guides can you have?
It seems that we usually have one or two "primary" Spirit Guides. These are the ones that we make the arrangements with before being born, to guide us and help us learn the lessons we set up for ourselves. And to gently remind us when we're a bit "off path" from our original plans for this lifetime. But we actually have an unlimited number of Spirit Guides available to us. We can call "special guides" to us to teach us specific lessons, and once those lessons have been learned, they will move on to help others. Also, as loved ones pass over, they can choose to act as additional Spirit Guides for us either 'full time' or on an 'as needed' basis.....
*Do you have the same one(s) all the time?
While we usually keep the same "primary" Spirit Guides, the rest of our guides can often vary and fluctuate. As I said before, we call to us those guides we need at a specific time for a specific purpose. Also, if we have loved ones who are acting as some of our guides, they will also have work of their own to do in the other dimensions. Hence they will go about their work, and be "a little removed from us" for periods of time. But they can, and do, hear us when we call, and return to assist us in whatever way they can.
*How might a person contact their Spirit Guides?
There are many ways to contact Spirit Guides! One way, though, is through Meditation. Meditating and asking for communication with your guides, and then listening for their response, is a really good way, in my opinion, aimed specifically at meeting a guide can be very useful.
Dreams are another way. Often if we are too busy living, and we don't remember to meditate and listen, then our night dreams become the only time we're quiet enough to receive their messages.
Automatic Writing is another interesting way of receiving direct communication from guides. When you combine Automatic Writing with meditation, it frees your mind to allow the incoming messages to be recorded. These are only three of the many ways in which to receive guidance from your Spirit Guides. By the way, synchronicity can often be an indication that you've got a Spirit Guide trying to get your attention!
*How can you know when a Spirit Guide is around; How can you recognize the presence of one?
There are many ways that Spirit Guides will alert a person to their presence. In other words, many things can let us know that we've got a guide around us. One that jumps instantly to my mind is the use of fragrances. Many guides and spirit entities use scents and odors to signal they are there. If this happens, you'll get a whiff of some fragrance that has no "physical source" of explanation. It can be any kind of scent: "sweet", "sour", "pungent", "floral", "obnoxious", etc.
Sometimes the guide will just use something that is unique, or maybe something familiar from one of their own past lives. Other times they will use a fragrance that has specific connotations or memories for you!
***For instance, my maternal grandmother uses a lilac scent to let me know she's around and wants to talk to me. One set of "temporary guides" that spent some time with me used an odd floral scent that I couldn't identify. I later found out, with the help of a friend, that this was a fragrance of a plant indigenous to Brazil.***
Apparently where they had spent a lifetime. Sounds are another way. Some guides and entities will use auditory signals such as the sound of "chimes" that you seem to hear. In some cases the sound will be audible to anyone in the vicinity; sometimes only you will hear it. There are many other ways including "chills", "goose bumps", and "energy brushes."
Synchronicity is also a sure sign, in my book, that guides and/or angels are trying to get our attention!