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SPIRIT GUIDES : Our Higher-Self & Guides (1-3)
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 11/25/2008 12:29 PM
Our Higher-Self & Guides

As already explained, we begin our long evolutionary journey as evolving ‘Sparks of Spirit�?/STRONG>, created out of and as a part of our Creator's own Being, particles of His own Spirit and Thought Force. Each newly created Spark of Spirit near the Godhead will in time also birth an extension soul of themselves, thus becoming the "Father/Mother" originator of an extended "family" of closely inter-related soul units.

This "family" relationship with its original "Higher-Self" spiritual being allows a soul to maintain a close inter-connection and intuitive inter-communication between the higher planes and the lower plane on which they are residing. There is also a continuous sharing of experience, not only from lower levels up to the highest, but also from the higher level down to the lowest.

The higher level intuitive advice passed down to the physical plane helps souls to maintain an overall sense of direction in their lives.  The "Higher Self" attempts to subtly steer them on their correct path of evolution. 

*And so we have the establishment of an elevated group of ‘High Oversouls�? also known to us as our ‘Higher Self' or the ‘I Am Presence�?

 Each of these Higher-Selves is then allowed to create or birth a further group of 12 ‘Prime Soul-Extensions�?so as to extend the experience life on worlds nearest to the Spiritual Light Plane. Then these 12 Prime Soul-Extensions are themselves each allowed to create a further group of twelve souls, or ‘lower soul-extensions�? for experience on yet denser worlds. Thus there can finally arise a total 'Family Soul Group' of up to 144 closely related ‘Soul Mates�? all linked to the same "Higher Self". 

*This Soul Group of 144 will not all be incarnating together at the same time, or on a particular vibration-level or dimension, but instead may be manifested throughout a Galaxy on many other dimensional levels or planets. However, all the individual members of these groups, under their collective ‘Higher-Self�? will maintain a link throughout their long evolutionary journeys as related Soul-Mates, often incarnating in a particular world with one another as life-partners or friends, or as members of an extended family. 

*The Higher-Self ‘oversoul�?always has to observe the fundamental Law of Karma which requires that all individual souls must be allowed to fully experience the cause-effect relationship between each action and its results. Thus the Higher Self will always respect the self-determination or free will/free choice of each soul-extension. The High Self can only offer advice when directly asked for assistance, and may otherwise never interfere by alleviating or eliminating those hard lessons that each soul must learn for itself. 

*As the created soul-extensions then descend into lower worlds of materiality, they will further develop their inherent split into the two major polarities of positive and negative life-force; each expressing more and more distinctly the male (positive, outgoing active force) or the female (negative, returning/in-going, nurturing force) polarity of expression. This falls in with the Creator’s Plan to provide the soul with thorough balance between the two major polarities of Creation. It also provides a strong impetus for each soul to return to the Unity of the Godhead. Thus, two ‘Twin Souls�?or ‘Twin Flames�? are created as an extended part of the Higher Spiritual Being, to remain eternally twinned parts of one soul-extension. They are eventually destined, after descending and ascending through the great Cycle of Evolution together, to re-unite at the end of their long evolutionary journey, as one complete and androgynous (that is to say, united male/female) Being, and yet they shall forever retain an element of their two polarities as well as their individualities. 

*Each individual Twin-Soul, endowed during its descent into matter with a predominantly male or female polarity, thus acts as a balancing force to the other; one featuring an inherently forceful male and positive outgoing characteristic, the other with a more spiritually receptive, nurturing female characteristic.  This inherent division into two opposite, but magnetically attractive polarities, not only provides the necessary impetus towards a later re-unification of these two souls, but also promotes a desire within all individualized souls to seek unity with all other souls, and thus their eventual return to the collective Unity of the Godhead. 

*As their evolution progresses, the Twin-Souls gradually learn to develop a greater balance between their two polarities or genders. Sometimes a Twin-Soul will switch gender for one particular incarnation in a physical world in order to learn of the inherent qualities of the other gender. This explains the varying difficulties of sexual identity which some people experience down here on Earth, having chosen at the spiritual level to incarnate into an Earth body of an opposite and ‘unaccustomed�?gender. For instance, a soul of predominately female characteristics, when incarnating into a male body, will by nature be more attracted to the opposite sex, that is, another male.  Likewise, a predominately male soul incarnating as a female, will most likely be seeking the close intimacy of the opposite polarity of attraction, which would be another female. This also explains why some people feel the strong need to go through an operation for a change of sex gender. 

*Through this interchange of gender incarnations, the Twin-Souls learn to balance the positive (male), out-going/forceful, with the negative (female), receptive/nurturing quality of their polarities. They will then eventually be in a position to become totally re-united as balanced parts of a united Higher Soul, even though retaining an element of their original individuality and polarity.

*When one Twin-Soul incarnates on a lower physical-level planet such as Earth, the other usually remains behind on a higher plane in order to provide a nearby spiritual connection with the higher planes. There are occasions, such as whilst undertaking an important joint mission on Earth, when Twin-Souls arrange to meet and share together an incarnation at Earth level.

At such times, unless they have chosen to be born as close relatives or twins in the same household, the time and place of their first meeting on the dense physical level is always pre-viewed and pre-arranged on the Spiritual Plane. And so when they first meet on Earth they often experience a feeling of instant and deep ‘love at first sight�? intuitively remembering their old spirit connection. They often intuitively recognize their Earthly place of meeting which was pre-arranged on the spiritual plane. Such a romantic love at fist sight and coming together forever touches a fundamental note of Human longing for our eternal twin soul, and is frequently featured in many of our great romantic Earthly love stories. 

*Even when we are not destined to meet our Twin Soul or "Twin Flame" down here on Earth, we may still experience a very close association with one of our own spiritual-family Soul-Mates, a member of our larger Soul Group. We are quite likely to have been closely associated with that particular Soul-Mate in a past incarnation, either as a former family member or as a close friend during a previous Earth experience. 

*During the long evolutionary cycle, when created souls descend into the lower worlds of 'matter' and then ascend upwards, the Higher-Self remains on a high spiritual plane, constantly accumulating and recording all the evolutionary experiences gained by those evolving soul-extensions. This accumulated knowledge is always available to them from the Higher-Self as an inner voice of conscience, assisting them to take the correct course appropriate for their further evolution. 

*We can, therefore obtain access to all this accumulated spiritual knowledge by turning our thoughts inwards during a period of quiet contemplation and seeking a connection with our Higher Self. 

*The store of evolutionary knowledge and abilities acquired during previous lives provides us with a background of traits, talents and abilities in this incarnation. This explains why some people are born on Earth with exceptional natural talents, such as in the field of healing or science, or perhaps as a scientific genius or musical child-prodigy.