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Other Animals : They never forget:elephants with PTSD
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 Message 1 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameneimannewman  (Original Message)Sent: 7/24/2008 7:12 PM
On ABC's 20/20 Friday evening.  Elephants with PTSD.    I am attaching an article, please read.  Go to the site and enjoy the slide shows.  I guarantee they will bring a tear.  It has been two years (the 21st) since dear Joanna died.

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 Message 2 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameneimannewmanSent: 7/24/2008 7:16 PM
Friday the 25th at 10 PM ET.
ABC 20/20

 Message 3 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGrumpyQueenOfMoominsSent: 7/24/2008 7:58 PM
Wow...great piece. Whenever I'm watching one of those various "Extreme Stuff Caught on Video" types of shows and they show a video of a circus elephant going on a rampage, I think to myself, "If I were in her situation, I'd have gone on a rampage as well." And on the news, whenever they show footage of such incidents, they never bother to tell the viewer how these innocent creatures are stolen from their mothers and extended families, trained using corporal punishment, and kept in pens like cattle. It's always "Crazy Evil Elephant Goes on Death Spree" and crap like that. And of course, stupid, STUPID humans still go to the circus or some other exploitative event because little Johnny just has to ride an elephant. God...sometimes I'm so ashamed to be a member of the human race.
Sorry...just had to rant!

 Message 4 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTopKat170Sent: 7/24/2008 8:42 PM
This is gonna be great.  I just love elephants always have.  I did not know Joanna Burke was killed by an elephant that suffered PTSD poor things.  Her family sounded so loving by letting her be buried at the sancturary.  Great stuff Newman.  Thanks Witty

 Message 5 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamethe_slewSent: 7/25/2008 7:48 PM
I just put a note on the tv to remind me to watch tonight.  First meerkats, then elephants......good Friday lineup.  I usually never watch 20/20 but I am going to tonight.

 Message 6 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamecordeekatSent: 7/26/2008 3:38 PM
This piece was tough to watch at times, but maybe it will make people see what these wonderful ellies go through. And this may sound harsh, but i would like to get my hands on the *%$#@!&% s that slaughter these or any other animal like that and make them sorry they were born. It was great to see the ones in the sanctuaries though. Thank God for the people that run the sanctuaries, they are angels.

 Message 7 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamethe_slewSent: 7/26/2008 5:11 PM
It was hard to watch but I always keep tissues by my seat of power just in case.  Oh man....that poor ellie being beaten with bats in El Paso!!!!  But thank God she now has loving hands and hearts to care for her in Sanctuary.  I too would like to grab hold of those sorry S.O.B.'s and repay them double for what they put these beautiful girls thru.  But in my plan these &^#@$&^* would NOT get a chance at sanctuary.  After I was done with them they would be sent straight to hell like they deserve. 
It was great to see the love that Carole and Scott have for their girls.  And those poor baby orphans at that other sanctuary.  I am glad they have somewhere to go to learn love. 
BTW...Newman...can you show folks the link again so they can see the Sanctuary gals on live cam?  Truly just watching them play in the ponds or giving themselves dirt baths is fun.  Plus they have a gift shop with lots of really cool items....
I don't know how to do links so I cannot but I can tell you to google the elephant sanctuary in tennessee and you will find lots of great things about the girls.  Also you tube has some videos of them.  But a warning:  you better have tissues at the ready when you read their pre-sanctuary stories.  Very sad and heart breaking.

 Message 8 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameneimannewmanSent: 7/26/2008 7:51 PM
Happy too!  I'll start a new thread for it.  Will also post the link for the Sheldrick site with all of those dear little orphans.
I am so happy that you all invited me here knowing how I run on and on about the girls.  You "get it".....and hopefully this 20/20 piece will allow others to "get it" as well!  It was beautiful, and well done.  I am so glad that they didn't show a lot more of dear Sissy getting beaten in El Paso.  They didn't break her spirit....she may need to have Tire with her...but they didn't break her.
Sissy took the love she received from Carol, Scott and the girls and passed that on to Winkie to help her after Joanna's death.

 Message 9 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamekathyh3Sent: 7/27/2008 12:11 AM
I didn't watch because I knew there would be some heartbreaking stuff. I wish all cities would pass laws that banned animal circuses, petting zoos, etc.  It's a shame how we treat things (animals, the environment) on our planet.

 Message 10 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamethe_slewSent: 7/27/2008 12:46 AM
I had to contact 20/20 to let them know it was a really great story.  I wish it was the entire hour though so they could really tell about how special elephants are. 

 Message 11 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTosca-QuirkieSent: 7/27/2008 1:40 AM
The ellecam link is on our Links board

 Message 12 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameneimannewmanSent: 7/27/2008 1:45 AM

 Message 13 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGrumpyQueenOfMoominsSent: 7/27/2008 2:14 AM
I missed this last night because I out, but it's waiting for me on my DVR...can't wait to watch it...will have tissues handy. Thanks for the Elecam link...will have to check that out!

 Message 14 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTopKat170Sent: 7/27/2008 7:59 PM
Hi all, there is another great Wild Kingdom documentary on AP called Elephant Nomads of Namib and it is one of the best I have ever seen.  It is full of excitement and drama. Three elephant families have been roaming the desert for 5 months to find food. Rosa a grandma takes care of her grandson Hymba but doesn't have enough milk and the baby runs out of strength.  They do every thing to keep this baby going.  It is just a great show... Witty

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