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Important Announcement Important Announcement
The MSN Groups service will close in February 2009. You can move your group to Multiply, MSN’s partner for online groups. Learn More
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General : Confirmed: Microsoft Gives Up On MSN Groups  
Recommend  Message 1 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameArmchairConstant  (Original Message)Sent: 10/16/2008 4:00 AM
Confirmed: Microsoft Gives Up On MSN Groups, Hands It Off To Multiply

Jason Kincaid
Wednesday, October 15, 2008; 3:59 PM

We've received confirmation that Microsoft is handing over the reins to its MSN Groups property to the social network Multiply. Microsoft is planning to release a new service called Windows Live Groups in November, and apparently doesn't want to compete with itself. Oddly enough, Microsoft has chosen not to allow groups to transition between the two services, and instead is going to offer a migration tool that will allow users to take groups over to Multiply, which currently bills itself as the world's 8th largest social network.

The rumor was originally reported earlier today after a series of emails were posted to a MSN Discussion newsgroup, and has since been confirmed by both Multiply and Microsoft through a blog post.

Here's Microsoft's explanation for the shutdown:

The natural question to ask in this situation is why we are closing MSN Groups. It is our goal to provide our customers with the most current and user friendly technology available today. We made the difficult decision to close the MSN Groups service as part of an overall investment in updating and re-aligning our online services with Windows Live. In the long term we believe that closing the service is the best way to continue to offer innovative, best of breed services that help you stay in touch with the people you care about. It?s very important to us that you keep the data you created using MSN Groups and that is why we have partnered with Multiply, so you can keep your group going into the future despite the closure of MSN Groups.

The Microsoft post also states that users will have until February 21, 2009 to migrate their groups over to Multiply, after which point the site will cease to exist.

This just seems weird - why would Microsoft abandon a sizable (but dwindling) chunk of users to an entirely unrelated social network? It's nice that they aren't leaving their users out in the cold, but why not just cut off new signups to MSN Groups and allow the legacy users to continue on in peace? Microsoft may appear to have made the gesture in good faith, but it's likely that the company is hoping users will scoff at the idea of having to migrate, and just sign up on the new Live service when it launches.

Whatever Microsoft's intentions, Multiply is sure to be happy with the deal, as it has just been handed millions of new users (we're trying to contact Microsoft for the exact number).

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Recommend  Message 7 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameArmchairConstantSent: 10/18/2008 11:19 PM
Macro!     Kutz.. i'm going to try and find a new place to go that has the same "feel" as MSN groups... i hope

Recommend  Message 8 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemacroscopicSent: 10/19/2008 2:24 AM
yes- you too, AC.

maybe we can all become IM buddies! ;]

Recommend  Message 9 of 21 in Discussion 
From: KutzSent: 10/19/2008 3:45 AM
Macro:  We may have to do that!  E-Mails work-just not quite as well!
I liked the ability to post on all market subjects here versus a Yahoo where I post on boards for individual stocks.  If there is another entity we can go to and continue, then I would go.
Don't feel like paying for it though-too many other free options.  In a perverse way this works, because MSN has just plain sucked for years.  Maybe a good time to not bother with their new plans and just cut the pricks loose for good?
Sorry-little bitter here!    We can mull it over and chew on it a little!

Recommend  Message 10 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametrader1963Sent: 10/19/2008 3:51 PM
Yahoo is ok with me and I used the same name with yahoo,com instead of If something better show up let me know........ has to be free though..


Recommend  Message 11 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamesportstarr10Sent: 10/19/2008 6:41 PM
You know how I feel AC...
Yahoo boards "Suck" Excuse My French ... I go there on individual boards & 98%
of the time you type a post & it doesn't go through. MSN is a Dream compared to them. Also, posting a link rarely happens as Yahoo kicks out links to other sites even for articles Usually.

Recommend  Message 12 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemacroscopicSent: 10/19/2008 9:13 PM
Kutz- i would consider joining a chat group with everyone here.  but i am not going to transition to this type of BB discussion.  it takes too much of my time.

Recommend  Message 13 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBeenherebefore1Sent: 10/19/2008 9:24 PM
Welcome back Kutz!!!!
 I created an account here:
I've created an ID.
User name: fkabeen
ID: 1101011010
Look around, kick the tires lets see whether or not it's worth it.

Recommend  Message 14 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBeenherebefore1Sent: 10/20/2008 1:20 AM
Not crazy about this format and also not crazy about the idea that there is no prior notice given when you create a log-in.
1. They require your first and last name and zip code.
2. Both appear on your profile, with the town and State of the zip code displayed.
Mistrustful soul that I am, I used Been Herebefore as my name and a different zip code on Long Island.
The format seems more like blogging, I did see some groups but they don't appear to be very active or easy to navigate although, once MSN Groups migrate, that will proably change.

Recommend  Message 15 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameArmchairConstantSent: 10/20/2008 1:47 AM
Nov 17 Windows Live Groups is supposed to come on line

Recommend  Message 16 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBeenherebefore1Sent: 10/20/2008 2:16 AM
We'll see how that one is. Armchair, have you had a chance to check out multiply yet?

Recommend  Message 17 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameArmchairConstantSent: 10/20/2008 2:39 AM
No not yet, I've heard its not that good

Recommend  Message 18 of 21 in Discussion 
From: KutzSent: 10/20/2008 1:32 PM
Thanks Been!  Don't feel sorry for me but my back hurts, my knees hurt, my arms and legs are weary from this golf trip.  I overdid it.  Slept all day yesterday-LOL.  Maybe next year I will only go for 5 days instead of 8.  It was beautiful on the grand strand.  After the first day it was sunny and 80 all week.  The pools are still open though the water is getting lets say refreshing (Not heated franky)!  A shriveling experience-LOL
I have never had a problem with the Yahoo individual message boards.  I only use the individual boards though and they are full of racists, clones and on many boards untrustable posters. 
Still I really would like to have a place to talk to my board friends here that I trust to be real and be doing what they say they are doing versus individual boards. No real custody over the riff raff that comes in and out of them.   Hopefully we can find a place to land and continue.
Been discription doesn't sound good for migrating, but I guess we have a little time to sort this out and make the best choice we can!

Recommend  Message 19 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameFrankyB_Is_BackSent: 10/20/2008 1:54 PM
I Agree with Beenhere
The format doesn't seen that great..
and Def used the same name frankyb  and forget about usung a REAL last Name.
I used Frank Vegas   like  I do on ALL Free Sites..
Unless a decent format (like beehhere says, it has the blog look) develops..I'll probably  just forget about  BBS and  use the "private e-mails and secret Phone calls for my investing.
Anyway most great ideas have gone private as mr Smart Said..LMFAO
PS...  KUTZ.. NEXT Time..make sutre the place you Stay has a HEATED POOL...Hopefully they have a JACUZZI..

Recommend  Message 20 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWallStreet_TycoonSent: 10/24/2008 4:08 PM
Sorry, I didnt post this earlier but we have a few days until 2/21/2009.....

Recommend Delete    Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameWallStreet_Tycoon</NOBR> Sent: 10/24/2008 10:50 AM
As of this writing, I'm equating this to the Mayan calender endpoint.  On 2/21/2009, the end will occur.  It is a known 'unknown' at this time.
I do know one thing, I will not be a part of the giant space arc crossover to the so-called savior world of 'Multiply'. 
MSN's  new 'LIVE SPACES' launches in mid NOV and I will look at that option.
As of now, I'm going with the 02/21/09 countdown, as while it may be frightening to some, it is nice to know the exact day of death. 

Recommend  Message 21 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameFrankyB_Is_BackSent: 10/25/2008 3:04 PM
 YEP..I'll see how  the live thing is too..
 The MSN groups were Too Bias anyway..and My VIEW ( made it known zillion times) ..99% of  the Boards + managers that  were IDIOTS.. there were very Few Boards like RAZ that were Really  doing  what they  were  designed.. Most were just BIAS Social clubs. for people who needed BLIND Reasurance that they Made the right Decision.
While I am indeed Sad to See this RAZ Board die too... Like SIRI..The DEATH of the MSN Boards are Welcome
  and GLORIOUS Indeed..

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