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 Message 3 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname-Shiela-  in response to Message 2Sent: 7/31/2008 2:18 PM
So sorry about her Dad..... that's sad.
About her kids, the older one. Well she should go to the court & have papers deawn up to get her son back as soon as sge can.......
But we have a law here, if they are 12 years old they can pick where to live.....
Don't know about Al, so she needs to check into that.
If her owes that much back child support, she needs to get that taken care of........... all she has to to is contact the court & get him back in court & they will put his ass in jail till he comes up with the money.
Tell her she can get a lawyer or not, she can do it her sell & he will have to pay........
Sorry I am really down on mom's who don't take care of there children.... cause the court system is there for the moms all they have to do is go before the court. Really really down on dad's who expect the state to keep there kids up.........
She should not put this off any longer.............
Tell her I said so....................
Just been throught this with my cousin & his family.................
he went to jail till the money was paid........ no if's ands or buts !!!!!!!!!!!!
It was paid...................