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Matthews Mat : Matthews Mat #11: Traci Lowell
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 5/9/2007 8:46 PM

file//:Warning; This Show Expresses Views And Actions Not of Those by Scott Hill, Stevie Hill, Kellianne Hill, or The SKCW. The Views Expressed Are Those of The Shawn Matthews Character Only.

Current Guest

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Out Of Character

Traci Lowell

Victoria, Trish Morris, Zoe Mason, Kelli Hardy, Triple H, Tim Wilkins, Julianne Helmsley, Alyssa Amidala, Sara, Scott Hill

Kristin Tuselli, Jerome Morris







[-[ "You Give Love A Bad Name" hits to open up Matthews Mat with Shawn Matthews in the ring ]-]

//:Shawn Matthews - Hello SKCW, I am Shawn Matthews and this is Matthews Mat. Now today is a very glorious day because it is the return of Matthews Mat. Now for the last few months I've been apart of SKCW taking part in the Diva Search. Now I enjoyed my time as the host because I got a front row seat for some of the great events. Now tonight I'm here to have the winner of the Diva Search Traci Lowell on the show so without further ado..Traci Lowell
"Red High Heels" hits as Traci Lowell makes her way out to the set and and sits down in her seat picking up the microphone:
Shawn Matthews: 1st off Traci welcome to Matthews Mat
Traci Lowell: Thank you Shawn, its a pleasure to be here
Shawn Matthews: Now Traci congratulations on winning the diva search but if its alright with you right now I would like to do a little word association on some things which is a Matthews Mat tradition
Traci Lowell: Thank you, please, go right ahead
Shawn Matthews: 1st person is the person you defeated in the finals Kristin Tuselli
Traci Lowell: Great competitor
Shawn Matthews: Andrea Amidala
Traci Lowell: Great wrestler, but a tad bit psycho
Shawn Matthews: And well since you don't have much experience in SKCW thats going to be it for the Word Association but Traci I do have a few questions for you if thats ok with you.
Traci Lowell: No problem, ask away
Shawn Matthews: Ok as you know during the diva search there were rumors flying that Michael Carter was having a improper relationship with one of the diva search contestants which was against the rules and it turned out at least the way it appears to be true seeing as Andrea Amidala and Michael Carter are now a couple. Do you know if any of this was going on?
Traci Lowell: Not really, we knew that Andrea was seeing someone, but myself and the other diva search contestants had no clue it was Carter. I feel bad about dancing for him now.
Shawn Matthews: Any superstars ever hit on you or any of them draw your eye now that your apart of SKCW officially?
Traci Lowell: Well, none of the superstars hit on me while I was a diva search contestant, they were all very professional. As for now, I may have my eye on a certain guy.
Shawn Matthews: Whats the greatest thing about winning the SKCW Diva Search?
Traci Lowell: Being in SKCW, it's one of the best federations around and I am proud to say that I beat nine other divas to get here. There is so much talent here and I cannot wait to compete.
Shawn Matthews: Finally, what are your goals now that the Diva Search is over?
Traci Lowell: To start kicking butt in the diva competition. I'm a fighter and I won't stop until I beat them all and have the gold to prove it
Shawn Matthews: Well thats all the questions Traci but as always I allow the guest to have the floor so do you have anything you would like to add?
Traci Lowell: I just want to say that I am kicking up my training and I will be SKCW Diva ready here soon. I know I have what it takes to rock the SKCW Divas and I will. I'm going to the top and there's no one here to stop me because I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Shawn Matthews: Well once again congratulations Traci and there you have it. I'm Shawn Matthews and this has been Matthews Mat

[-[ "You Give Love A Bad Name" hits to end the show ]-]









file//:Disclaimer; This Layout Was Kelli-Made© For Shawn Matthews' Use Only Through Blondie Baby. If I Find That Any Part Of This Table Has Been Taken, Altered In Any Way, Used Without Permission, You Will Be Severely Bitched At! *loads her gun* Now Back Away From The Layout!

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