[-[ "You Give Love A Bad Name" hits to open up Matthews Mat with Shawn Matthews in the ring ]-]
//:Shawn Matthews - Hello SKCW, I am Shawn Matthews and this is Matthews Mat. Now I know I just recently did an edition of Matthews Mat with Traci Lowell but anytime a superstar is doing something thats well interesting to me, I want to have them on Matthews Mat so thats exactly what I'm about to do. Now tonight my guest is somebody who was a pretty decent size star in KSCWE but then disappeared for a while before returning at the Royal Rumble and rejoining his former mentor. Now his SKCW in ring career has not been great but lately he has been causing a hell of alot of interest by video taping some of the SKCW Divas in very precareous situations so allow me to introduce my guest, The #1 M'Fer Shannon Moore
"Chicken Huntin" hits as Shannon Moore makes his way out to the Matthews Mat Set
Shawn Matthews: Welcome Shannon to Matthews Mat
Shannon Moore: Well thanks for having me
Shawn Matthews: Now Shannon you are bringing alot of interest to yourself with your actions and I really want to get in to that stuff but I always start out Matthews Mat with some word association so just say whatever pops up first in your mind
Shannon Moore: Sure thing. Sounds easy
Shawn Matthews: Matt Hardy
Shannon Moore: The best teacher, coach, and leader! The one and only greatest superstar in SKCW today!
Shawn Matthews: Kelli Hardy
Shannon Moore: Ah, Mrs. Hardy. She's a very great diva but sometimes demands to much
Shawn Matthews: Sara Orton
Shannon Moore: Stuck up
Shawn Matthews: A former member of Mattitude, Matt "panCAKEman" Walker
Shannon Moore: Great fighter...after all he is a Walker
Shawn Matthews: Your new assistant Inverna Sinclair
Shannon Moore: Very beautiful...She's defintatly going to be a great addition to the Mattitude Movement. She will rise!
Shawn Matthews: Finally, Randy Orton
Shannon Moore: A man who ruins film productions
Shawn Matthews: Now that we got that part out of the way. I'm going to get into the questions. My first question is what made you decide to video tape the divas?
Shannon Moore: Well the divas go out to the ring and give it there all with there moves, So I thought it up. Why not give a nice backstage preview and show what they really have
Shawn Matthews: What divas do you have your eyes on to try to catch on flim?
Shannon Moore: Well im definatly going to get Inverna in her own spotlight, but I do have an idea in mind for Erin Roberts plus two divas no one would ever think to do this type of stuff, Flame and ShayDawg themselves. Should be a great film in the making.
Shawn Matthews: Now obviously your not the first one thats tried to be a film maker or a star seeing as Matt and Kelli have there own well set of tapes and Val Venis of course had his XXXVenis Inc. Company and there was the leaked tapes of Randy Orton and Stephanie McMahon to which I still get sick from but my question is, do you believe you can do a better job then all of the previous attempts?
Shannon Moore: Well no one can do better then Matt and Kelli, but I do believe I can reach there standards. And as far as Val..his tapes can be pretty extreme and all but I just like to keep it simple and nice, but as far as the Randy and Steph. Not sure what to say about that one
Shawn Matthews: Changing gears here, what are your thoughts on the Carter Coalition forming and do you believe what Kurt Angle said recently that the Mattitude Movement will have a big bullseye on them?
Shannon Moore: I wouldn't really say bullseye. Matt worked hard to get that #1 Contendership and hell he deserves it but if anything I do see no need to worry. It's Triple H thats targeted...Not Matt
Shawn Matthews: Now obviously everyone wants to be a World Champion but taking that title out of the question, which championship in SKCW would you most like to win?
Shannon Moore: Well the North American Championship would be nice but knowing my past record with titles, I wouldn't mind tagging up with Matt again for the Tag Titles but the Impact Championship would also be a nice touch
Shawn Matthews: One final question, of the tapes you've made which by far has been your favorite and who is the very next diva you want to get?
Shannon Moore: Well I don't want to say my favorite but I've actually had my eyes on a diva who doesn't come to shows very often but I won't give out details but...I have my eyes on a Walker.
Shawn Matthews: Well thats all the questions I have so as always I am going to allow you to have an open floor to talk about anything you want so do you have anything to add Shannon?
Shannon Moore: Well yes...Shannon Moore Entertainment is kicking off to a great start. I would like to thank everyone who helps me out and plus thanks for those who are buying them. But just tune in for more films to be coming out...I'm always on the move for the next lucky lady. And also Shawn, thanks again for asking me to come on the show.
Shawn Matthews: Well there you have it. I'm Shawn Matthews and This has been Matthews Mat
[-[ "You Give Love A Bad Name" hits to end the show ]-]