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Matthews Mat : Matthews Mat #23: Jason Win
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 3/6/2008 1:54 AM

file//:Warning; This Show Expresses Views And Actions Not of Those by Scott Hill, Stevie Hill, Kellianne Hill, or The SKCW. The Views Expressed Are Those of The Shawn Matthews Character Only.

Current Guest

Past Guests

Possible Next Guest

Out Of Character

Jason Win

Victoria, Trish Morris, Zoe Mason, Kelli Hardy, Triple H, Tim Wilkins, Julianne Helmsley, Alyssa Amidala, Sara, Scott Hill, Traci Lowell, Shannon Moore, Torrie Wilson, Cory & Eric Hunter, Dylan Monroe, Jerome Morris, Kristin Tuselli, Adrianna Montag, Sean Walker, Randy Orton, Jezebel, Charlie Haas

Michael Carter, Lauren West, Michelle Morris, Erin Roberts







[-[ "You Give Love A Bad Name" hits to open up Matthews Mat with Shawn Matthews in the ring ]-]

//:Shawn Matthews - Hello SKCW, I am Shawn Matthews and this is Matthews Mat. Now its been over a month since I've last done a show and thats due to my commitments with the SKCW Diva Search which by the way is going great. But I've got an opening in my schedule and since you the audience have been demanding a new Matthews Mat. I've made the arrangements and I've got a huge guest tonight. My guess is truly an A-List Superstar and somebody who right now is a Double Champion and is the fastest rising star in SKCW so without further ado my guest tonight...Jason Win
"Because Of You" plays as Jason Win walks out to the set with SKCW North American Title over his right shoulder and his Tag Title over his left shoulder as he shakes hands with Shawn before sitting down in his chair and raising up a microphone
Shawn Matthews: Welcome Jason to Matthews Mat
Jason Win: Thanks Shawn its good to finally be here
Shawn Matthews: Now Jason you are by far one of the fastest rising stars in the company. You currently hold SKCW Tag Team and SKCW North American Championship Gold and I have a few questions about that but before we jump into the questions lets place word association
Jason Win: It's your show. I'm just bringing you the ratings so fire away
Shawn Matthews: Ok, Michael Carter
Jason Win: Poser. Michael thinks he is some sort of Playboy but next to me ain't nothing
Shawn Matthews: Kristin Tuselli
Jason Win: A piece of ass. If I wanted to hit that I would. It's that simple. The girls easier then Britney Spears and we all know how easy Britney is these days
Shawn Matthews: AJ Styles
Jason Win: The Phenominal Jackass. AJ Styles is nothing but hype. AJ Styles will never amount to anything in this company and he thinks he is some big shot because he is dating a Soft Core Porn Star. Yeah thats right AJ Rose is a soft core porn star. She wasn't making some big hollywood movie. She was taking her clothes off in some indy wanna be porno
Shawn Matthews: What about CK Syndrome?
Jason Win: The Buck Tootheed Beaver. CK Syndrome is nothing but talk. He says he is a monster but he only gets into this situation because he is so far up Vince's ass and more then likely uses his girl to get her knees dirty while convincing Vince to reward CK
Shawn Matthews: And The Love Machine?
Jason Win: The Love Machine isn't all that bad. I have a little bit of respect for him but The Love Machine is no Jason Win and Madison Brooks is no Adrianna Montag either. This is why I'm North American Champion and The Love Machine is not
Shawn Matthews: Tyson Tomko
Jason Win: Well Tyson was in VIP although I never wanted the guy in the group which was all Dylan but now that Tyson is gone the group is better off so Tyson have fun kissing Carter's ass
Shawn Matthews: You are definatly very out spoken especially as of late so lets begin the question portion. First question is what brought about your sudden surge in success?
Jason Win: Money, money, and more money. See its like I was never in this company until the day I signed my name Jason Win. The whole J-Win crap you can just throw out the window because that was not me. Then once I decided to really try my hand I found success as a Tag Team Superstar with Dylan but then after my injury at the hands of Dylan. It was like a career change that I needed. See I got a new look and a new attitude and now I'm a singles champion and screwing the hottest girl on the planet
Shawn Matthews: Speaking of that. How did you get Adrianna? And how many times a day do you two..?
Jason Win: Shawn I'm an A-Lister, Adri she is an A-Lister it was bound to happen. It was fate and as far as how many times a day. Well I don't think the people could wrap there heads around the number but its alot higher then Matt and Kelli and Scott and Lacy. That I can assure you
Shawn Matthews: Lately it seems as though theres been some problems in VIP
Jason Win: There's no problems in VIP. Dylan has been making mistakes lately and its my job to fix it. You see VIP is becoming less of the Dylan show and more about being a mutual partnership. I'm just as successful as Dylan if not more so and Dylan wouldn't be where he was without me and he knows that so there's no problems in VIP
Shawn Matthews: I see and did you really sleep with Lauren?
Jason Win: Dylan is not going to like me answer this but yes I slept with Lauren and she loved every minute of it
Shawn Matthews: And Zoe Mason?
Jason Win: Yeah I got some of that too and there's been a few other divas on top of that but you know what none of the women I've been with come close to matching what Adri can do. That girl is the most amazing woman I've ever been with and its why we make the perfect couple and why we are SKCW's #1 Couple now
Shawn Matthews: Well I'm running out of time here so as policy the floor is yours
Jason Win: I'm good thanks for having me on the show
Shawn Matthews: Well there you heard it from Jason Win. I'm Shawn Matthews and this has been another edition of Matthews Mat
[-[ "You Give Love A Bad Name" hits to end the show ]-]









file//:Disclaimer; This Layout Was Kelli-Made© For Shawn Matthews' Use Only Through Blondie Baby. If I Find That Any Part Of This Table Has Been Taken, Altered In Any Way, Used Without Permission, You Will Be Severely Bitched At! *loads her gun* Now Back Away From The Layout!

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