[-[ "Wanted: Dead or Alive" hits to open up Matthews Mat with Shawn Matthews in the ring ]-]
//:Shawn Matthews - Hello SKCW, I am Shawn Matthews and you are in the Matthews Zone. Now I know that The whole "Zone" thing is well loved here in SKCW. I mean you have The Walker's and there Walker Zone, you have Jerome and his Thrill Zone and I'm sure there are other kinds of "Zones" but I figured I would say the word Zone because I know Jerome tries to put on a little show called the Thrill Zone but lets face it, The Thrill Zone is no match for Matthews Mat, The Thrill Zone is what little kids go to play for recess and Matthews Mat is well the show people go to get the real stories on things. To get the bottom of things, to find out whats going on for real. Just as the case with my first edition when I interviewed SKCW Legend Victoria and got the real story on the split between her and Triple H, I plan on doing the same exact thing here tonight when I interview my second guest. Now I have had a lot of people ask to be on Matthews Mat after my first show and I will try to make room for everyone but tonight's guest was just somebody who I had to interview so without further ado.....Trish Morris
:"Call Me When You're Sober" hits as Trish Morris makes her way out to the set to a mixed reaction as Trish gets a microphone:
Shawn Matthews: Thank you Trish for being brave enough to come on Matthews Mat
Trish Morris: No problem, Glad to be here
Shawn Matthews: Now Trish as tradition with Matthews Mat, I want to get this interviewed started by doing word association. Ready to begin?
Trish Morris: I was born ready
Shawn Matthews: Abigal Morris
Trish Morris: My best friend who is always there for me and would do anything to help me get revenge
Shawn Matthews: Scarlett
Trish Morris: A great friend who knows how to get the job done
Shawn Matthews: Kelli Hardy
Trish Morris: A diva who rules the Women's Division but is going to be taken down very soon
Shawn Matthews: Torrie Wilson
Trish Morris: A diva who needs a reality check, who would have thought she would team up with that skank. I hope Shark bites her ass so hard she has to get surgery!
Shawn Matthews: Charlie Haas
Trish Morris: A guy I thought was my friend but turns out he is taking my jerk ex husband's side
Shawn Matthews: Alyssa Amidala
Trish Morris: A diva who is going far in the women's division and I do kind of look up to her
Shawn Matthews: Jasmine Stephens
Trish Morris: A home wrecking bitch who is going to get what's coming to her
Shawn Matthews: Finally, Jerome Morris
Trish Morris: A man who I loved with all my heart. He was the only one who actually stood up for me and I thought loved me but all his love was a complete lie
Shawn Matthews: Interesting, now before I get in to the falling out of you and Jerome, I want to go elsewhere to a better time for some anyway. Now in the past you had a tendency of well taking after The Walker's to a degree and flashing people. Why did you do this? And why did you stop?
Trish Morris: I guess I felt I needed to do something to shock everyone and to show that I am not a diva who stays shy and doesn't talk to people. I speak my mind and do what I want, when I want and the reason I stopped was because it was starting to get old and boring
Shawn Matthews: I see that's to bad for the guys in the back but lets move along to something else everyone wants to know once and for all. Seeing as you and Jerome now separated and soon to be divorced. There was always rumors about you cheating on Jerome with a wide variety of men so the question is did you ever cheat on Jerome?
Trish Morris: You want me to say if I ever cheated on my husband Jerome, Hell No. I stayed by his side through thick and thin. I stayed even when he yelled at me for every little thing I did. I stayed because he was the only one I ever trusted. He was the only one I thought I would be with forever but now I am forced to die alone because of that home wrecker bitch
:Trish begins to cry:
Shawn Matthews: Ok then, I was going to ask why you two split but that's obvious to me so as I always allow since I am out of questions is do you have anything to add. You have an open floor.
Trish Morris: Well I have a question for you, why haven't you been like super happy that I am crying here because my life is falling apart around me. I mean the only man who ever loved me was ripped away from me from a jealous bitch. I am alone even with my fellow divas Scarlett and Abigal. They will never know the pain I feel so I just ask you to rip into me I would feel a whole lot better then you being so nice
Shawn Matthews: Trish I'm not going to bad mouth you out here, I see no point and frankly it would hurt my ratings but what I am going to do is tell the truth. The truth is Trish you can have almost any guy you want, I know it, these people know it and heck even you know it so pouting and morning over Jerome is well pointless. So what Jerome went out and got a new girl to bang big deal it happens all the time, divorce his ass and take half of everything and move on.
Trish Morris: You don't get it no other man looked at me Jerome was the only one, all the other guys didn't like me they thought I was just trying to get attention so you tell me where am I going to find a man that respects me for me tell me that, cause I would love to meet him.
Shawn Matthews: Trish you are putting way to much pressure on yourself but I am not Dr. Phil and I've already been way to nice so if you get desperate enough to get some pay Tyson a few more dollars and I'm sure he will be more then willing to help you out there. Now as far as a boyfriend or whatever you're looking for, hey you found Jerome at some point didn't you? Do what you did to lure Jerome in and that should work just fine
Trish Morris: Ya you are right, I should be way above this I should not let that home wrecking bitch and Jerome get me down I know their is a man ten times better than Jerome I just have to find him, and I know that I can truly be happy I know a lot of people say you are an ass, and don't like the way you talk but you have opened up my eyes Shawn and I thank you and respect you
Shawn Matthews: You're welcome and thank you for coming on my show. Me and my ratings thank you because you have definitely presented a well interesting show and I should after this have a lot of people tuning in so until next time, Good Night
[-[ "Wanted: Dead or Alive" hits to end the show ]-]