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Matthews Mat : Matthews Mat #3: Zoe Mason
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 9/9/2006 8:35 AM

file//:Warning; This Show Expresses Views And Actions Not of Those by Scott Hill, Stevie Hill, Kellianne Hill, or The SKCW. The Views Expressed Are Those of The Shawn Matthews Character Only.


Past Guests




Victoria, Trish Morris


none yet






[-[ "Wanted: Dead or Alive" hits to open up Matthews Mat with Shawn Matthews in the ring ]-]

//:Shawn Matthews - Hello SKCW, I am Shawn Matthews and welcome to the third edition of Matthews Mat. Already one of the most popular yet controversial shows around. Now as you have seen over the course of my first two shows I do ask some tough questions. I get right into the minds of the people I am interviewing. I don't give a damn about what you think of your upcoming match or who you think will win a sporting match. I want to know what you want to know. If a person has a skeleton in the closet, I want it to come out right here on the show because after all its great for ratings. Now after interviewing Victoria and then Trish Morris, I got to thinking who would be a great third guest and then it hit me, I can interview one of the hottest divas right now. A diva who is in the spotlight not just for her in ring work but for her bed hopping and stable jumping ways so without further ado my third guest formally of the bWo but now a member of D-Generation X....Zoe Mason!!!
:"She Hates Me" hits as Zoe Mason makes her out to the set and gets a microphone:
Shawn Matthews: Welcome Zoe to the show and thank you for being here
Zoe Mason: Thanks for having me here tonight
:Zoe smiles:
Shawn Matthews: Ok Zoe lets get down to business, I always start a interview off with a little word association to see how we are going to gel so you ready?
Zoe Mason: I'm ready bring it on
Shawn Matthews: Stacy Mason
Zoe Mason: Made our family name
Shawn Matthews: Walker's
Zoe Mason: *Zoe Smirks* Streaking fools
Shawn Matthews: Tara Rayge
Zoe Mason: Super Sexy
Shawn Matthews: Rose Thorn
Zoe Mason: Huge Bitch
Shawn Matthews: bWo
Zoe Mason: useless to me
Shawn Matthews: Shark
Zoe Mason: Only fish I like
Shawn Matthews: Finally, D-X
 Zoe Mason: The best faction out there to date
Shawn Matthews: Now time to get into the good stuff the questions. Now Zoe I can see this interview is going to go very well because you have an attitude and that's a good thing so lets get down to business with the first question. Why did you and Jason Walker really break up?
Zoe Mason: Wow. That is quite the starting question, but if the people really wanna know. I guess in all honesty we more floated apart than anything. I ended up taking a leave of absence and when I came back he was on his way out the door. But of course that doesn't mean there wasn't still attraction...which is a totally different question.
Shawn Matthews: I think our entire male audience wants to know this, did you ever go streaking with the Walker's?
Zoe Mason: Ohh...well actually there was this one time when I first started dating Jason that I was invited to go streaking, but I turned it down as it seemed rather weird to run around naked, but hey after watching the family get their streak on, I can honestly say I would try it out now.
Shawn Matthews: Now before we get into the real good stuff, what made you decide to leave the bWo and join D-X. I'm sure there was more then just Dark Marine which convinced you D-X was the way to go
Zoe Mason: That is correct, Dark Marine wasn't my complete reason to change my colors. I've been faced with this once before and I took the higher road. But when it does come down to it, the bWo was fading, sure they had their ups, but it was nothing that would support my women's championship runs. And with D-X I can actually see support, not to mention I don't mind pulling pranks all that often.
Shawn Matthews: Moving right alone now to what the people really want to know. Why did you leave Tim Wilkins for Dark Marine?
Zoe Mason: Is that really a question. come on now any lady in their right mind can see Dark Marine is so much more of a Man that Tim Wilkins will ever be. Not to mention I'm a girl of standards and quite a few of them weren't being reached while dating Tim...lets just say Dark has the essentials Tim's going to be lacking for the rest of his life.
:Shawn laughs:
Shawn Matthews: Now that's harsh but I thank you for being so open and answering everything I asked. Now as per my policy, I am going to give you an open floor to say whatever you want to say
Zoe Mason: Whatever I want to say....are you sure you trust me with whats coming next
:Zoe snickers:
Shawn Matthews: I think we all can handle it
Zoe Mason: But since you've given the floor to me, I might as well say I hardly kiss and tell, but in this situation, I could make a few acceptions. Now I've never been married and I don't see myself getting married to soon which leaves for various dating partners. My current being Dark, and in my opinion, he really is right up there with Jason....but I guess we all make mistakes and that is where I would insert Tim. Personally, he's down in the books with Rose Thorn, which Im pretty sure is listed in the library under STD's....which isn't a fact yet...but the test results should be back soon.
:Zoe giggles:
Zoe Mason: But I guess what I'm really trying to get at is that I made a mistake in my "dating" I promise I wont break down on you...and I wont pull a Trish Morris and give you those tears, well at least not ones of sorrow....So I'm stating for the record...if I could annul any part of my life...that section of oh...2 and a half months would be it.
Shawn Matthews: Ouch....that sucks for Tim but anyway you heard it here first. Thank you Zoe for coming on Matthews Mat and opening up, my ratings thank you. Stay tuned for the next great edition of Matthews Mat
[-[ "Wanted: Dead or Alive" hits to end the show ]-]









file//:Disclaimer; This Layout Was Kelli-Made© For Shawn Matthews' Use Only Through Blondie Baby. If I Find That Any Part Of This Table Has Been Taken, Altered In Any Way, Used Without Permission, You Will Be Severely Bitched At! *loads her gun* Now Back Away From The Layout!

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