[-[ "Wanted: Dead or Alive" hits to open up Matthews Mat with Shawn Matthews in the ring ]-]
//:Shawn Matthews - Hello SKCW, I am Shawn Matthews and this is Matthews Mat. Now this will be the fourth edition of one of the most popular and controversial shows in the history not only SKCW but KSCWE seeing as many shows don't go past one or two episodes. Now as you have already seen I have interviewed Victoria, Trish Morris, and Zoe Mason and tonight I am going to interview yet another diva, arguably one of the best of all time. She was voted the #3 Best diva in KSCWE and she is currently SKCW's World Women's Champion so without further ado, I give to you my guest....Kelli Hardy
:"Figured You Out" hits over the PA as Kelli Hardy makes her way out to the set and gets a microphone:
Shawn Matthews: Welcome Kelli to Matthews Mat and thank you for being on the show tonight.
Kelli Hardy: Thank You for Having Me
Shawn Matthews: Now Kelli I am sure you have seen past shows where I do word association with the guest to see how the interview portion will go. I would like to do the same thing with you if that's ok.
Kelli Hardy: That's fine with me Shawn.
Shawn Matthews: Ok first name....Marrisa Bischoff
Kelli Hardy: Good business woman, horrible leader
Shawn Matthews: Rose Thorn
Kelli Hardy: I just plain hate the bitch
Shawn Matthews: Stephanie McMahon
Kelli Hardy: STD's galore
Shawn Matthews: Trish Morris
Kelli Hardy: Good as my partner, bad as my competitor
Shawn Matthews: Kurt Angle
Kelli Hardy: Milk
Shawn Matthews: Triple H
Kelli Hardy: Backstabber!!!
Shawn Matthews: Randy Orton
Kelli Hardy: Not a true champion
Shawn Matthews: Stacy Mason
Kelli Hardy: Never liked her
Shawn Matthews: Alyssa Amidala
Kelli Hardy: Title stealer, but I'm glad its mine now
Shawn Matthews: Victoria
Kelli Hardy: Whore
Shawn Matthews: Finally, Matt Hardy
Kelli Hardy: Love of my life
Shawn Matthews: Ok Kelli, lets move into the question portion of this show now. First question will be what was the highlight of your career outside of the ring.
Kelli Hardy: Outside of the ring. Probably becoming Mrs. Matt Hardy, everyday I wake up next to him and realize how perfect we are together
Shawn Matthews: Now Kelli why do you cut divas hair?
Kelli Hardy: Mainly because I can. I'm the bitch to beat around here and I like to take a little something from the little wanna-bes that I beat. You should see my collection!
Shawn Matthews: Ok speaking of that, whose hair means the most to you?
Kelli Hardy: Alyssa's by far. She's been my main competitor and one of the few that can beat me. After I beat her, I had to cut her hair. And I got my title back as well.
Shawn Matthews: Ok Kelli moving right along to my next question, what do you think of some of the other divas in the company and what they have done to help make a name for themselves such as Trish Morris and her flashing, Jasmine Stephens stealing Jerome from Trish, and so on and so forth.
Kelli Hardy: I think that to make a name for yourself you should make it out there in the ring. I have done that and I am still doing that. I don't think you can be in SKCW and be a big name without performing in the ring. Every new diva that joins knows that I'm the one to beat and that's because of what I do in the ring and not because I'm a Playboy Cover girl.
Shawn Matthews: Now are you worried that Matt may ever leave you or cheat on you seeing as some of the other superstars have went that route.
Kelli Hardy: No, I can give him everything he wants. He has no reason to leave me nor cheat on me. And if he were to, I would make him regret it.
Shawn Matthews: Now lets move on to another hot topic with you, why is the Helmsley family so disfunctional?
Kelli Hardy: I was waiting for this question. The Helmsley's have always been disfunctional, I don't think we know how to act normally. Triple H thinks he's the big Helmsley around SKCW, but he's not. We all have big egos and we all know I'm the better Helmsley.
Shawn Matthews: Fair enough, which match would you say has been your favorite and if you could fight anyone male or female in a match, who would you want to face?
Kelli Hardy: Wow, my favorite match is anytime I win. And if I could fight anyone it would be Victoria one-on-one. I think it's been thrown around that we are both the top two divas and to beat her would be the highlight of my career. I think it would be one great match, too.
Shawn Matthews: That would be a hell of a match but right now I'm out of questions so as I always do, Kelli the floor is yours to say whatever you want
Kelli Hardy: Well, thank you. I just want to throw out an open challenge to any skank that thinks she has what it takes to beat me, even though we all know you don't. I want matches and I want to beat bitches in the ring. Just remember, my hair collection is always growing.
:Kelli smirks:
Shawn Matthews: Well thank you once again for coming and my ratings appreciate it. Now until the next, I'm Shawn Matthews and this was Matthews Mat
[-[ "Wanted: Dead or Alive" hits to end the show ]-]
TBC: Anyone...