[-[ "Wanted: Dead or Alive" hits to open up Matthews Mat with Shawn Matthews in the ring ]-]
//:Shawn Matthews - Hello SKCW, I am Shawn Matthews and this is Matthews Mat. Now after a somewhat long hiatus, Matthews Mat is finally back. Yes I know its been a few weeks since I last did a show and I apologize for that but when your as popular as Shawn Matthews you will understand then. Now to recap you on who has graced this fine institution that is Matthews Mat, allow me to recap. I started out this show in a big way with Victoria then Trish Morris had her little breakdown right here on the set followed by Zoe Mason's famous diss on Tim Wilkins. Then Kelli Hardy was out here speaking her mind followed by The "King of Kings" himself Triple H and lastly we had Tim Wilkins out here to deny being homosexual with Tom Armetta which I still think is debatable. But tonight seeing as this is a person we have yet to hear from and I am sure everyone wants to hear from so without further ado my guest. Julianne Helmsley
:"Come Down" hits as Julianne Helmsley makes her way out to the set and gets a microphone:
Shawn Matthews: Welcome Julianne to Matthews Mat
Julianne Helmsley: Thank you for having me
Shawn Matthews: Now Julianne the reason I asked you to be on the show tonight is because there's a lot of questions people want answered so I hope your ready
Julianne Helmsley: I hope I'm ready too, I know your show asks the hard questions
Shawn Matthews: Ok Julez before we get into the questions, I always like to do Word Association first so, first person....Alyssa Amidala
Julianne Helmsley: She's a really nice girl, but cheering for the wrong girl
Shawn Matthews: Kelli Hardy
Julianne Helmsley: Good wrestler, angry diva
Shawn Matthews: Charlie Haas
Julianne Helmsley: He's a really nice guy, great friend of Hunter's
Shawn Matthews: Matt Hardy
Julianne Helmsley: He was a good friend to Hunter, until they backstabbed him when he choose his wife and child over someone else
Shawn Matthews: Jaime Lavelle
Julianne Helmsley: She's so sweet, the perfect match for Charlie
Shawn Matthews: Kaylee Angle
Julianne Helmsley: She's an interesting girl
Shawn Matthews: Kurt Angle
Julianne Helmsley: I think he likes milk a bit too much
Shawn Matthews: Finally, Triple H
Julianne Helmsley: The love of my life, the father of my son, what else can I say
Shawn Matthews: Ok Julianne that completes this portion but now its time for the questions. So first question is, Why do you think your brother Kurt is so controlling of you?
Julianne Helmsley: He always has been, if he isn't in control he goes nuts, he's always been like this. He needs to learn that Hunter and I are together and we have a son together, I can't just leave him because he wanted to make sure he loved me and wanted to talk to Victoria
Shawn Matthews: Speaking of Victoria, what are your thoughts on what she did to Hunter and about there relationship?
Julianne Helmsley: She went a little too far, Hunter was really injured and it could have been worse! Their relationship over, what else can I say...Hunter choose me and Peyton
Shawn Matthews: When is Triple H going to return and is he going to try to get revenge on Victoria?
Julianne Helmsley: As far as his return is concerned, it might not even happen. Hunter still needs to recover from his horrific attack and he was talking about retiring. Revenge isn't something we have talked about, so you will have to ask him about that.
Shawn Matthews: Ok thank you Julianne for coming onto the show and answering those questions now as policy, I am going to give you an open floor to talk about whatever you want.
Julianne Helmsley: Well, I just want to say that Hunter is still in the hospital thanks to an uncalled for attack by Victoria, if he is to return it is up to him. But I want everyone to know that we are a happy family.
Shawn Matthews: Ok there you have it from Julianne Helmsley herself so until next time, This has been Shawn Matthews and Matthews Mat
[-[ "Wanted: Dead or Alive" hits to end the show ]-]
TBC: Anyone...