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From May 6th, 2007 Roleplay Title | Allies/Enemies | Managed By/Dating | Accomplishments | Out Of Character | ??? | ???/??? | Married to Kellianne | SKCW Co-Owner, KSCWE Co-Owner, SKCW Tag Team Champion, SCWE Tag Team Champion | Just as in the case of the other, this is mostly out of character | | | S T E V I E | [-[Via Satalight]-] [[:-Stevie Hill-:]] Alrighty SKCW as promised I'm here to give the details on why Nick aka Stanley Ryan Tiger, Manifest Destiny, Mister Vandenburg was released as well as his girlfriend Debra who played Debra Lynn Tiger and Sarah Maria Tiger. Well Debra is pretty simple she goes with Nick. Now the reason Nick was released is due to events that took place outside of SKCW. Now back in KSCWE, Nick got alot of heat on himself for asking the girls of the fed to well get on webcam or take pictures and send him of them getting topless or naked. There were multiple girls as well as some guys who the girls informed. Now he was warned and told to never do it again. Things did quiet down for some time on this and to be honest Nick became a very valuable member of SKCW. However recently Nick did it again. He recently asked a female in the fed to flash him via webcam. Now the female informed me as well as one of her close friends who sent me the conversation. Now originally we were going to let Nick off with yet another warning but after talking to some of the female members of the fed about what they would want done and generally getting the feel from those involved. The decision was made to release Nick based off this. I really do wish Nick the best of luck in other feds and I'm sure even though he says he will retire that he won't. Everyone generally says that to try to save there job. It's the same line I've heard from alot of people who are out on the "circuit" now hating on us for releasing us and I get the vibe Nick will end up as one of those people and thats fine. I just wanted to let everyone know the reason for his release since I've gotten a few people asking already. It had nothing to do with his in fed work which was fine but rather his actions outside the fed towards the ladies. Hopefully this is a warning to other fed owners as well that if Nick does come that your females should be made well aware of what there in store for. [-[Satelight Feed Ends]-] | H I L L | | |
| file://Disclaimer: This Layout Was Kelli-Made For Stevie's Use As Stevie Hill Only Through SKCW And Blondie Baby. If I Find That Any Part Of This Table Has Been Taken, Altered In Any Way, Used Without Permission, You Will Be Severely Bitched At! *loads her gun* Now Back Away From The Layout, Slowly! | | | | | | |
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