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Candle Magick : Purple
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From: NineMSN NicknameLam2Law  (Original Message)Sent: 18/08/2005 11:16 AM
 Purple Candle


Vibrating color that is highly spiritual and traditionally connected to mysticism, inspiration, wisdom, idealism, purification; success, peace; and power. Aids in meditation, sensitivity and higher psychic talents; as well as connecting to idealism, ambition, power, success and household protection.  Healing properties include the treatment of allergies, sleep disorders and
stress-related disorders.


Magickal Purpose: Justice, royalty, the psychic, meditation, idealism, mysticism, guidance, divination.

Personality: Proud, independent, mystical arts, religious nature. This Person will not turn a blind eye, if they feel a cuase of action is worng, no matter the side they take.

Magickal Uses: Protection, justice power, spirit contact, breaking of bad luck, drive away evil, divination, spiritual and psychic powers, Astral Projection. This color is good to use when you don`t have a white candle.



CHAKRA: Brow Chakra

PLANET: Jupiter

DAY: Thursday


MAGICKAL TOOL: Wand, Cauldron

SCENT/OIL: Cedar, Carnation, Nutmeg Lotus, Angelica, Bay, Cinnamon, Ginger, Sandalwood, Jasmine.

PLANT/HERB: Mimosa, Wisteria, Mugwort Hazel, Eyebright, Rowan, Elder, Rue, Shamrock, Clover, Oak, Dandelion, Betony, Meadowsweet, Begonia, Cactus, Dahlia, Iris, Violet.

WOOD: Willow, Lilac, and Mulberry.

ANIMAL: Elephant, Unicorn, Rabbit, Jaguar, Chickadee, Cuckoo, Eagle, Elk, Penguin, Vulture, Grasshopper, Chameleon, Lizard.

FEATHER: Spirituality, religion

STONES: Amethyst, Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli and Beryl, Clear Quartz, All Opals, .

TAROT: Justice, Fours.

GOD: Anase, Apollo, Forseti, Ida-ten, Mishara, Mithras, Musku, Tyr, Varuna

GODDESS: Aleitheia, Astraea, Athene, Hecate, Justita, Kali, Maiat, Mens, Morrigan, Syn




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