1-The Aura; History of Legend & Lore Deffinition Reading Cleansing Balancing | 2-Chakras; History of Legend & Lore Deffinition A listing of Reading Cleansing Balancing | 3-Visualization; Deffinition Importence of in Magicks Meditation Bio-Feedback Astral Projection Building Personal Bubble | 4-Spirit Guides; Lore & Legend Deffintion Communication with |
5- Animal Totems; Legend & Lore Deffinition Communication with Listing of | 6-Fae/Faeries; Legend & Lore Communication with Secies listing Working with | 7-Angels; Deffinition By Type Hierarchy Communication with Working with | 8-Divination; Deffinition Tarot Runes Ogham Sticks Scrying Pendulum Mirrors |
9-Witchcraft; Deffinition History Lore/Legend/Myth Roots of Types of; from Gardenarian to Greenwitch Principles of Ethics of Preparation for Creating Sacred Space Circle Casting Sacred Alphabets | 10-Rituals; Deffinition Reasons for RitualOutline Types of | 11-Spells; Deffinition Reasons for Spell Outline Writing of; the power of rhyme &/or cadence Types of; Candle, herbal, crystal, spoken, written, potions, powders, tinctures, amulets, charms | 12-Book Of Shadows; Deffinition History Legend & Lore Basic Sturcture Sacred Alphabets |
13-Pantheons; Deffinition Legend & Lore Listing of; Greek, Roman, Egyptian, German, Scotch, Irish, African, Chinese, Hawaiian Gods Listings Goddess Listings Invocations Prayers Chants Mantras | NEXT NEW CLASS | NEXT NEW CLASS | NEXT NEW CLASS |