| Aries Although the pace of your life seems to be settling down, you cannot escape the feeling that something isn't quite right. Instead of worrying about those things that cannot be changed, pay attention to taking care of yourself and those you love. Concentrating on circumstances within your sphere of influence will, at least, make you feel better for now. |
| Taurus People may share their problems with you now, and as much as you want to help, the complexity of their dilemmas can be overwhelming to you. You won't be of much assistance to them if you are off balance, so make use of the Moon's return to your sign by getting in touch with your feelings first. You'll be better equipped to counsel someone else later on. |
| Gemini Your thoughts pull you all over the map today as your key planet Mercury is electrified by high-frequency Uranus. This mental buzz, however, is not enough to destabilize your feelings now, for you are able to detach your thoughts from your emotions. Intellectual freedom is wonderful, but don't let your excitement override your physical needs. |
| Cancer Expect an increase of social activity with the Moon in your 11th House of Groups and Friends. Normally, you might pass on the noisy party, but now you are more inclined to stay out a little later in order to join in the fun. Don't wear yourself out by pushing your limits; consider making your energy last longer instead of taking on too much. |
| Leo You understand what must be done for the good of those who depend on you and you are willing to take on the necessary burden. You might need to keep your feelings to yourself, though, for they could interfere with your effectiveness. Don't try to explain your actions; they will speak louder than what you say. |
| Virgo Sometimes you can get so caught up in the details and the planning that it's difficult to make something happen, but this isn't a problem now. In fact, if you have already considered your options, this is a perfect time to swing into action. Rely on your intuition and common sense rather than on logical analysis. If you feel good about it then just do it. |
| Libra You are willing to do whatever is necessary to protect your interests now, whether financial or emotional, yet your response to a threat can be so subtle that others might not even notice. You have the ability today to posture yourself defensively without actually fighting back. Your best strategy is simply staying true to yourself. |
| Scorpio Relationships present an interesting dilemma today as you carefully step over tricky emotional ground. You cannot say everything that you feel, for that could just steer someone else in a wrong direction. But if you keep quiet, then you may feel resentment build as the day wears on. Find a way to release your feelings without say more than is absolutely necessary. |
| Sagittarius There is too much for you to do with the Moon in your 6th House of Chores and you may be tempted to just go fishing instead of trying to accomplish all that's on your list. Escaping won't work; everything will still need attention when you return. Instead of attempting to be a superhero, slow down and do just a few things really well. |
| Capricorn Avoid conflict today, even if someone tries to pick a fight with you. If the issues raised are truly important, then there's a better way to find resolution than open warfare. If they are not crucial, then they certainly aren't worth your effort to engage. Establish priorities and decide if winning an argument takes precedence over peace of mind. |
| Aquarius You may feel trapped by your own familiar patterns today with such a limited number of options in front of you. Part of the problem is that you may have sacrificed independence for security. Part of the solution comes from being able to talk about it. Even if nothing dramatic changes right away, you'll still feel better once your frustration is out in the open. |
| Pisces You are more certain now about a decision that you recently made. Although no specific event or thought prompted this wave of confidence, it appears that a fog of fuzzy thinking has begun to lift. Accepting your feelings without trying to rationalize them can make your day run even smoother. |