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Info From....... : Natrual Witches-Gem & Stones
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: NineMSN NicknameSifWiilowWicca1  (Original Message)Sent: 18/02/2008 7:49 PM



Gems of the Zodiac

Garnet- dark red.

Amethyst- pale lilac through to deep purple

Aquamarine- sea green, Bloodstone-dark green with red spots

Diamond- transparent white

Emerald- bright green

Pearl –cream lustre

Ruby- red

Peridot –pale to mid green, Sardonyx- banded red and white

Sapphire- deep blue and Lapis Lazuli also deep blue

Opal-variegated, different shades according to country of origin

Topaz �?yellow

Turquoise-sky blue, pale blue Zircon

There are varying degrees of shades and colours for many of the above gemstones.

For instance, the Opal from Australia is of delicate shades, whilst the Mexican opals are of different shades and called Fire Opals. Whilst some mirror the Australian opals, many are shades of fierce orange, yellow and reds.


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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: NineMSN NicknameSifWiilowWicca1Sent: 18/02/2008 7:53 PM
From: <NOBR>MSN Nicknameaoa_72</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 1/23/2007 7:07 PM
~Cleansing your Crystals or Gemstones~

Before you start to use your crystals you should cleanse them.

They have picked up other peoples energy in their travels, from the supplier, (and me), and the post office, etc. You want them to hold only your own energy. Therefore, here are several ways to remove any negative energy or vibrations from others who may have handled them. After you have cleansed your stones, don't let other people handle them, unless you are willing to cleanse them again right away.

This is not a one time activity. Since crystals hold your energies, and help in removing or changing energy, achieving balance, etc, you want to cleanse them routinely. You don't want the stored negative energy they removed from you to remain in the crystals.

Let me say this first. I don't do anything to my crystals that I would not like you to do to me. If you think that crystals are just lumps of minerals, and what you do to them doesn't matter, you are probably in the wrong place, lol.

Would you want to lie in the nice warm sun for a while? Of course you would. Would you like to lay in the full sunlight at the height of the day for 9 hours, or 2 days straight? Would you like to be buried in salt? How about a nice salted warm water bath to sooth your muscles? Sounds better, right?

Do you love the smell of burning incense? Do you just love passing thru the scent on you way to do other tings? I do. I have incense burning several times a day.

Do you like the woodsy smell of Hickory smoke? Would you want to sit in a nice cool running stream? Yes. Would you like to stay there for 3 days? Would you like to be left alone, buried in dirt for days on end? Or would you prefer a nice, cleansing mud bath, and then rinsed with cool fresh water?

Use these guidelines, and you will do just fine in cleaning your crystals.

The first two are my personal preferences.

*Smudging: Hold your gemstone or crystal over the smoke of incense for a few minutes to smudge the gem or crystal and clear the energy inside. Some people will only use White Sage Smudge, but I feel several are very good for cleaning, including, Sandalwood, Cedar wood, and Sage and Sweet grass. We use Hand-crafted incense, usually with sage from a pagan shop near us. It is particularly smoky, which is why we like it for cleansing. This method is very quick, especially if you burn a lot of candles and incense as part of your daily routine, as we do. I light incense on our little hall "alter" every night to cleanse and scent the air before bedtime. Its a lovely routine, if you have not tried it. While I am there, I can run several crystals thru the smoke, as it only takes about 20 or 30 seconds of smoke to cleanse. On a side note, I keep all our incense and candles in a little hallway book shelf, and you can smell all the different fragrances upon entering our house. Who needs spray?

*Soaking: Soak your gemstone or crystal in sea salt . Don't use a metal bowl. I leave mine in about 3 or 4 hours, and I do not do them all at once. ( I would miss them too much). Rinse them in cool water when you are finished to remove any salt. Do not re-use this salt water. Those negative energies you wanted to rid from your crystals are now in the water. Don't soak porous stones, like opal, lapis, coral. It will harm the stone. For those stones I would use a Sage smudge.

*Running water: Place your stones in a mesh bag, and immerse in a outdoors stream or river for a few hours. This both cleanses AND re-energizes your stones.

*Sunlight: Place your gemstone or crystal in warm sunlight for 4 hours.

*Moonlight: Place your gemstone or crystal in direct moonlight overnight. A nice size bedroom window sill is perfect. Don't choose one that gets the morning sun.

*Burying: Wrap your gem or crystal in clean cloth and bury it in moist ground in a special place. I have a small garden right by my front door, and that is great for me, as I like it close to me. I think the crystals like this method, its a lot like going back into the "womb" where they were born. Leave up to 24 hours.

*Place the crystal you want cleansed on a larger crystal cluster for several hours. They like to visit with their friends.



((I will post this in a whole Crystal page when I get a chance with a better comp. And with a whole section on crystals, and crystal healing.))

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: NineMSN NicknameSifWiilowWicca1Sent: 18/02/2008 7:55 PM
From: <NOBR>MSN Nicknameaoa_72</NOBR> Sent: 1/23/2007 7:16 PM
MM Family.

I wanted to add a little more to this section for you all. As there is more to it, jsut to re-itterate and maybe get a little more into what crystals can be used in each method of cleansing. So here goes, and I hope this helps.

Clearing Crystals and Stones - Secondary Info

Most crystals and gemstones, in jewelry or on their own, will pick up negative or unwanted energies over time. They are a bit like sponges absorbing and reacting to the environment's energies. The ones I know of that don't absorb energies and thus never need clearing are citrine, kyanite, azeztulite, and Super Seven.

Crystals and stones that are used for crystal healing should be cleared and cleansed of negative energy prior to any healing work. You will also find that clearing stones makes them more cheerful and positive to have around.

Here are a number of methods that are commonly used to clear and cleanse crystals and stones to restore their bright, happy, vibrant energy. Some are more complex or take longer, others are extremely simple and quick. Use whichever suits you and your crystals best.

Salt Water: While this is a popular way to cleanse crystals, I recommend using salt water very carefully, if at all. You need to know about your crystals to be sure that they are not porous or soft, so they won't be damaged by water. Salt water can get into the structure of some crystals and stones and cause them to break. Some stones that don't do well in salt water are calcite, carnelian, halite, hematite, labradorite/spectrolite, lepidolite, lodestone (magnetite), mica, moldavite, opal, turquoise, ulexite, clusters of most stones, and there are surely more. When you do use salt water, do so cautiously and don't leave your crystals in it longer than absolutely necessary.

Sea Salt: Crystals can be placed in coarse sea salt for up to 24 hours to clear them. They can also be stored in sea salt to keep them from picking up energies from their surroundings. In humid areas, using sea salt can sometimes cause the same problems as salt water. It can also get stuck in the crevices of clusters and eventually combine with water in the air and split the cluster.
Sunlight or Moonlight: The rays of the sun and moon are energetically very clearing and cleansing, as well as energizing. Placing your stones outside where they can soak up the sunlight or moonlight for a day/night to a week is very beneficial. Do be careful though, as some the colors of some stones may fade in the sun. A few of the stones that will fade in the sun are amethyst, celestite, opal, and turquoise. If you have any doubts at all, be sure to use only moonlight cleansing.

Earth Burial: As creepy as it may sound to those of us who grew up watching horror movies, burying crystals and stones is very cleansing and healing to them. You can bury them in the Earth for 3 days to a week, either in your yard or in a flower pot. Be sure that if you bury your crystals in the yard that you mark the spot. You don't want to have to dig up half the yard to find your stones again.

Smudging: Smudging is one of my favorite methods of clearing crystals and stones of unwanted energy. It's also a much quicker way to clear crystals than any of the above methods. To smudge them, pass you stone several times through the smoke of burning cedar, sage, sweetgrass, or incense. Commercial incenses with complex, perfumy smells may not clear as fully or as quickly as an herb like sage or a more basic incense like Nag Champa or Frankincense.

Reiki-Seichim: Reiki-Seichim is another of my favorite methods of cleansing crystals. In a sense, it's channeling the universal life force energy to heal the crystal of negativity and unwanted energies. As a Reiki or Seichim practitioner, just treat the stone as you would any other being that needs healing, and set your intent to heal the stone of any negativity or unwanted energies.

Stone Clearing: Some stones will clear the negative or unwanted energies from other stones. I am familiar with doing this with quartz crystal clusters, amethyst clusters, and selenite. Place the stone to be cleared on a the "clearing" stone, and leave for 24-48 hours.

Flower Water: You can also clear crystals and stones in flower water. Soak the stone or crystal in water with the petals of rose, honey suckle, orange blossoms, jasmine or others for 24 hours. Again, the same cautions apply regarding stones that don't do well in water.

Ask: This is too simple for most peoples' need for ritual, but it does work wonderfully. Simply ask the Divine (God/Goddess/Universe or whatever your higher power is called) to clear and energetically cleanse your crystal for you. You can also simply ask the crystal to clear itself.

Whichever method you choose, the exact length of time needed for clearing varies according to personal taste and the state of the crystal. Trust your intuition and higher self to lead you to the best methods and lengths of time for you and the stone.

What method I do not recomend is Tap or bottled water. As you do not know what kind of minerals are in the water, or chemicals have been used in proccessing the water. These can be of negative effects on your crystals and stones, and fully cleanse your precious things. If you must use bottled water, get it yourself. By this I mean, go to the ocean if you can and bottle it Yourself. Or go to a river or free flowing stream, and blttle it yourself. this way you are assured that it has less of a chance of having excess minerals or chemicals in it that will harm your stones and crystals. Another thing about bottled water, even though it may way fresh spring water.... it has been sitting stale for a while on the shelf. So it has lost alot of it's natural goodness that can help your crystals and stones cleanse and charge.

Well I hope this helps you all in your cleansing.

As well.....Another no no: Hot, very cold, or warm water is a no no because it can fracture some crystals and stones. Stone clusters and geodes are two types of stones that do not do well with water, as they may break apart and crumble.

Here is another method of re-charging your crystals:

How to Program a Crystal

In metaphysical terms, programming a crystal is to store an energy pattern in a crystal. The energy pattern programmed into the crystal can be any thought, color, emotion, sound, or any other vibration. The vibrational pattern is stored in the crystal until it is purposefully cleared out.

This is one way to program a crystal so that you or someone else can benefit later from the energy pattern programmed into it. If you have a different method you prefer, use it. I don't believe there is one way to do it, but rather many, and you should choose the one(s) that suit you best.

Needed to Program Your Crystal:

* Crystal
* Clear Intent - Know what you want to program the crystal to do.
* Focused Action - This method is one focused action.

Step One - Clear your crystal with whatever method you prefer, and sit down with your crystal at your personal altar or in a place that you're not likely to be disturbed while you are programming your crystal. .

Step Two - Hold the crystal in your dominant hand (right hand if right handed) and clear your mind of unrelated thoughts. Start to focus on your intention for the programming of your crystal.

Step Three - Focus on your intention for your crystal by saying descriptive words aloud. For instance, if you want to program your crystal to bring peace of mind, start repeating the words "peace of mind" over and over again. A whisper is fine if a normal tone of voice would attract distracting attention from others.

Step Four - Repeat your intent verbally into your non-dominant hand, then place that hand over your crystal to push the vibrations into the crystal.

Step Five - Continue holding the crystal and repeating your intention until it feels as though the vibrations have sunk into the crystal fully. If necessary, repeat step four.

Once your intuition tells you or you have a sense that the crystal has accepted the vibrations, open your hands and thank the crystal. The crystal is now programmed.

This method can also be used with tumbled stones, spheres, polished crystals, and natural chunks of minerals, as well as natural crystals.

To retrieve and use the programming, simply rub the crystal while asking (silently or out loud) for its programming to be released.

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