For those not familiar with the chakra system, it derives from Hindu metaphysics, but is now used widely in many other systems.
Each Chakra is a swirling energy center, a vortex of spinning light.
Chakras are aligned, more of less, along the spine. Each one has a particular function, not only in our physical existence, but in our multidimensional existence as well.
The crown chakra is at the top of the head and is usually while or violet. Divine energy works through the crown.
The third-eye chakra is at the forehead. It is purple or indigo. The third eye sees the space between space. Our psychic, clairvoyant power operate through the third eye.
The chakra at the throat is blue. Not only does it rule speaking and communication like telepathy, it also takes in sound, such as messages from spirit guides, gods, and totems. The gift of clairaudience works through the throat.
The heart chakra is in the chest, colored green. Emotions work through the heart chakra. Through it, you seek a loving connection to others. You give and receive love through the heart, eventually moving toward an unconditional love of all.
Below the heart is the solar plexus, in yellow, right below the diaphragm. The solar plexus works with personal power or lack thereof. Lessons of self-control and desires to control others work through this energy center. The solar plexus also helps you conquer fear.
Near the navel is the belly, or sacral, chakra. This chakra relates to connection and sex. It is sometimes associated with the spleen and looks like an orange sphere. Through the belly chakra, you, as a spirit in a body, seek to connect to others like yourself. That intimate connection often occurs through sex. The belly is also related to your instincts, your primal reactions. Here, you listen to your "gut reactions" on matters.
At the perimeum, below the tailbone, is the root chakra, usually red. The root chakra works with life energy and, through it, survival. The root chakra works with the physical body and physical satisfaction. It is usually the first chakra to activate in the upward progression to the crown.
Taken from City Magick
By Christopher Penczak
The First Chakra is the Base/Root Chakra. Its location is between the Asphinxture muscle and the Scrotom (for men). While (for women) it is located between the Asphinxture muscle and the vaginal cavity. It's our grounding energy centre, keeping our feet firmly on the ground and our mind focused on physical & creative matters. It also governs our reproductive organs and our sexual vitality. Symptoms of a blocked 1st Chakra might include problems in the hips, legs, lower back and sexual organs.
The Second Chakra is the Spleen. Its location is about one inch below the navel and about one inch inward towards the diaphragm. Its basis is in emotions, sexuality and desires. It controls our relationships and social interactions with others. Physically this chakra works on our lower intestines and digestive system. Symptoms of a blocked 2nd Chakra might be Kidney weakness, stiff lower back, and constipation and muscle spasms.
The Third Chakra is the Solar Plexus. Its location is the central cavity of the lungs, just below the breastbone. It is the root of our emotional balance, personal power and metabolic energy. When we feel upset, angry or hurt we often feel this chakra. Its primal essence is that of the Will. Physically this chakra works on the stomach and liver area. Symptoms of a blocked 3rd Chakra may include Digestive difficulties, Liver problems, Diabetes, Nervous exhaustion and Food Allergies.
The Fourth Chakra is the Heart. Its location is about 2-3 inches above the solar plexus in the centre of the chest. It roots out to the heart organ as well and its area thus is the general area between the upper lung cavities to the heart cavity. This chakra is our love centre it controls our unconditional feeling and thoughts, associations, relations and Compassion. It is responsible for the Heart, Circulatory and Respiratory systems. Physical Symptoms of a blocked 4th chakra might include a heart attack, high blood pressure, insomnia and difficulty in breathing.
The Fifth Chakra is the Throat. Its location is about the midway point between the skull and the lower neck cavity. It is about one inch inward from the throat. As the name suggests this chakra works on our throat encouraging communication and creativity. Physically this chakra works on our thymus and thyroid glands. Symptoms of a blocked 5th chakra might include Hyperthyroid, skin irritations, ear infections, sore throat, inflammations and back pain.
The Sixth Chakra is the Third Eye/Brow. Its location is the central cavity of the brain, centered above the eyebrows. Known as the psychic energy center, this chakra is highly active in mediums. Its basis is the intuition faculty and governs our senses. It is the link from which we perceive the higher zones and higher planes. Its essence is within the astral and dreaming worlds. Physical symptoms of a blocked 6th chakra might include Headaches, Blurred Vision, Blindness and Eyestrain.
A Chakra Meditation
You can do this meditation either standing or lying down, however it is important to not cross your legs or arms since this will close your energy loop.
Center yourself. Hold your right hand a few inches above your Root Chakra. Focus on this spot and hold this focus for a moment. Picture energy coming down from the Universe and flowing through your hand, into the chakra.
Each time you inhale, feel more energy being drawn into the chakra. When you feel a comfy warmness in this area, move onto the next chakra and keep doing so until you have charged all of your chakras.
This exercise is very helpful for when you are feeling out of balance. It also helps during times of physical illness. YOU SHOULD STILL SEE A DOCTOR IF YOUR CONDITION IS SERIOUS. This is not a substitute for a doctor's care, it is an aid to help strengthen the healing process.
If you wish, you can hold crystals/stones in your hands while doing this or place the appropriate stone on the appropriate chakra. The corresponding stones are:
Red Jasper--Root Chakra
Carnelian--Sexual Chakra
Tiger's Eye--Solar Plexus Chakra
Aventurine--Heart Chakra
Sodalite--Throat Chakra
Lapis Lazuli--Third Eye Chakra
Amethyst--Crown Chakra
author unknown