Finding your Magical Name Although finding your magical name is by no mean a necessity and is nothing to stress over. Names like familiars have a way of finding magical people. When the right name for you comes along you will know it. I thought it might be nice to compile a list. It is always a good idea to research any name that appeals to you, learn its history and meaning. Look through the lists maybe one will jump out at you, maybe two or three. Overall be creative in making your choice. And be sure that what you choose has magical meaning to you. That's the most important thing, Blessings to all..... Elemental Names Earth: Alluvia, Arroyo, Beck, Bare, Cairn, Chalcedon, Clay, Crag, Crystal, Dolman, Dune, Gemma, Greenwood, Grove, Jet, Ley, Mesa, Moraine, Obsidian, Onyx Ravine, Savanna, Shale, Stone, Sylvan, Sylvana, Tarn, Telluria, Topaz, Tor, Vale. ~*~ Air: Aether, Anemone, Argon, Boreas, Cardea, Gale, Hurikan, Keen, Khamseen, Mesembria, Miasma, Myst, Notus, Scirocco, Skye, Tempest, Typhon, Vortex, Windflower, Zephyr. ~*~ Fire: Agni, Ardent, Baelfire, Blaze, Candelifera, Censer, Chandelle, Dittany, Ember, Firefly, Flame, Glint, Gorge, Magma, Phoenix, Prometheus, Pyrrha, Salamander, Scorch, Smoke, Smolder, Sylph, Tallow, Taper, Torch, Vesta, Vulcan. ~*~ Water: Amberella, Amphora, Aquamarine, Avalanche, Brine, Brook, Cascade, Chalice, Delta, Deluge, Dylan, Hailstone, Hoarforst, Llyr, Maelstorm, Moonsoon, Niagra, Nile, Oasis, Oshun, Pearl, Rain, Riverine, Scald, Serac, Storm, Telechine, Tide, Torrent, Trill, Tsunami, Wave, Weir. ~*~ Names from the Deva Kingdom Any flower, herb, or tree can be used for magical names. Herbal names are common in magical communities, but plants not usually heard of include. Agrimony, Aloe, Amaranth, Anise, Betony, Buckthorn, Chervil, Damiana, Elecampane, Gentian, Germander, Lovage, Mastic, Medlar, Melilot, Oleander, Pomergranate, Savin, Samphire, Tamarind, Tarragon, and Yarrow. ~*~ Plants that are considered especially magical such as: Aconite, Belladonna, Blackthorn, Bryony, Galangal, Hellebore, Mandrake, Nightshade, Rowan, Vervain, or Wolfbane. ~*~ Names from Myth and Legend Male power names: Anu, Cernunnos or Kernunnos, Shango, Cuchulain, Gilgamesh, Hercules, Marduk, Poseidon, Samson, Taranis and Thor. ~*~ Female power names: Ambika, Boadicea, Cartimandua, Dellah, Durga, Galiana, Kali, Macha, Mong Ruadh, Morrigan, Myrine, Nessa, Onomaris, Oya, Scathach and Vashti. ~*~ Female Amazon Names: Aella, Antandre, Antianira, Antiope, Clymene, Evandre, Harpe, Hippolyta, Lyce, Melanippe, Myrian, Omphale, Otrere, Pantariste, Penthesilea, Polydora, Thalestris, Thoe, Xanthe. ~*~ Male Centaur Names: Ancius, Argius, Centaurus, Chiron, Crotus, Dexamenus, Elatus, Eurytion, Hippotion, Hylaeus, Nessus, Oreus, Phrixus, Thereus. ~*~ Satyr Names: Astraeus, Gemon, Lamis, Leneus, Lycon, Napaeus, Orestes, Pan, Petraeus, Phareus, Pithos, Poemenius, Satry, Satyrion, Satyrius, Satyros, Silenus. ~*~ Nymphs: Abrya, Andrastea, Anthracia, Asteria, Asterodia, Chian, Chreyse, Crannae, Dryope, Echo, Harmonia, Leuce, Marica, Menthe, Moria, Mytoessa, Neda, Nephele, Orphne, Perdix, Phiale, Philyra, Phyllis, Pitys, Rhene, Thisbe. ~*~ Male Fairies: Aillen, Amadan, Dubn, Brown Man, Cluricaun, Credene, Donn, Gachan, Ginvarra, Ghillie, Kelpie, Luchtar, Melwas, Oberon, Puck, Rhys Dwfen, Tamerlane, Trow, Tylwyth, Urisk, Wichtlein. ~*~ Female Fairies: Aeval, Aine, Airmed, Aoibheal, Banshee, Bendith, Caer, Clethard, Cliodna, Donagh, Eri, Glaistig, Uaine, Grania, Mab, Summer, Titania, Una. ~*~ Names from History and Geography Gods of Magic: Aba-aner, Abbarais, Apollonius, Carinondas, Carrefour, Curio, Damigeron, Dardanus, Djedi, Djeheuty, Ea, Enki, Gintan, Gwydion, Hermes, Hermes Trismegistus, Hifmoses, Irin, Mage, Khonsu, Magus, Marduk, Merlin, Mithras, Musa, Necta-nebus, Nama pomilius, Simon Magus, Thespion, Zamolxis, Zoroastres. ~*~ Names of Witch Goddesses: Angitia, Aradia, Arionrhod, Aset, Berchta, Carman, Cessair, Circe, Dalukah, Diana, Ertha, Etain, Greine, Hallawes, Hecatlene, Hecate, Helice, Maia, Margawse, Marie Laveau, Medea, Medusa, Morgana, Memain, Nimue, Rhiannon, Vivienne, Yamaya. ~*~ Geographical Places: Abydos, Alexandria, Amenti, Bablonia, Byblos, Carthage, Delphi, Eire, Erin, Giza, Ionia, Karnak, Nubia, Olympus, Persis, Petra, Salem, Saxon, Sedona, Sumer, Tata, Troy, Tyre, Umbria. ~*~ Priestesses: Althea, Boadicca, Cleopatra, Devadasi, Dryope, Enhedunan, Entu, Heira, Hypatia, Io, Istarith, Jesebel, Cassandra, Mambo, Nadith, Nefertiti, Phryne, Qadishtu, Sagae, Shamanka, Sibyl, Thastius, Volva. ~*~ Male Druid Names: Amergin, Calatin, Cathbad, Dubhtach, Emrys, Lochru, Myrrdin, Niul, Olc Aiche, Ono, Rechard, Senias, Sitchenn, Tages, Taliesin, Torsdan, Tulchinne, Urais. ~*~ Female Druid Names: Aoifa, Birog, Bodmall, Camma, Druidia, Dryde, Fidelma, Gaine, Canna, Geal, Chossach, Miluchra, Sin, Smirgat, Tlachtga, Veleda. ~*~ Names of those killed in the burning times: Agata, Appollonia, Babel, Barclay, Barthelemy, Brigida, Bruno, Chantraine, Duncan, Elspeth, Horne, Isobel, Jennet, Joan, Jordemaine, Kilian, Kirstin, Lachlan, Macette, Marable, Margarethe, Margrat, Melchoir, Mirot, Og, Osborne, Powle, Redfearne, Sabina, Sylvanie, Veronika, Visirer, Wyles. ~*~ Alchemy Names: Alchemilla, Alembic, Antimony, Argent, Cinabar, Electrum, Khemeia, Luna, Magistery, Qemt, Quicksilver, Regulus, Zaphara. ~*~ Dragon Names Male: Dracunculus, Drake, Draco, Firedrake, Mandrake, Ladon. ~*~ Female: Delphyne, Dracena, Mandragora, Medea, Tiamat. ~*~ Wolf Names Male: Fenris, Lycaon, Lycastus, Lycomedes, Lycotherses, Lycus. ~*~ Female: Faula and Lupa ~*~ Raven Names Male: Adam, Bran, Bram, Corvus, Kronos, Morvran, Vron ~*~ Female: Badb, Eriu, Etain, Macha, Medb, Nemain. ~*~ Bear Names Male: Arcas, Artaios, Arthgen, Arthur, Wachabe. ~*~ Female: Andarta, Artio, Brauronia, Callisto, Ursula. ~*~ Serpent Names Male: Ananta, Mahanaga, Ophion, Ourobros, Python ~*~ Female: Kundalini, Lamia, Pythia, Serpentine. ~*~ Horse Names Male: Abraxas, Aethiops, Arion, Bellerophon, Chrysippus, Hippomedon, Hippomenes, Melanippus, Pegasus, Phaethon, Sterope, Xanthus. ~*~ Female: Epona, Hippodaemia, Hipponoe. ~*~ Sun, Moon, Star, Names Solar Names: Amaterasu, Ammon, Apollo, Arinna, Aten, Corolla, Daystar, Greine, Helios, Inti, Ra, Saule, Shams, Sol, Solara, Sunna Sunflower. ~*~ Lunar Names: Albina, Bendis, Cereus, Hecale, Hecalene, Hillel, Hina, Ix, Chel, Lunah, Moonlight, Moonstone, Moth, Nannar, Nyame, Phoebe, Selene, Sin, Thoth, Yarisk, Zarpandit, Zirna. ~*~ Astral Names: Aldebaran, Algol, Altair, Andromeda, Antares, Aquila, Ara, Arcturus, Astra, Capella, Cassiopeia, Celeste, Circlet, cygnus, Eridanus, Hesperus, Lyre, Lyra, Mira, Nebula, Nova, Orion, Perseus, Polaris, Saah, Sagitta, Sirius, Sothis, Star, Stella, Triangulum, Ursa, Vega. Zodiac signs are also the names of a constellation and thus a potential astral name.. Created and written by: WebWitch | |