Lunabar Lunar Mansion
Aljabha, The Forehead of the Lion,
also known as
Frons Leonis, The Face of the Lion.
Marked by the fix'd Stars: Regulus & the Sickle, in Leo.
In pride the Lion lifts his mane
To see his British brothers reign
As stars below.
- Edward Young, "Imperium Pelagi."
Lunabar Moon Almanack for Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Phase: Waning, Disseminating Moon. Age: 20 days 2h. 33m.
Ascending Node is at 9° Aries.
In the 20th° of the Constellation b Leo, the Lion;
& in the 7th° of the Signe c Virgo, the Virgin.
Transits: 5:30 morn. Sets: 1:02 eve. Rises: 10:56 eve.
The line of the horizon was clear and hard against the sky,
and in one particular quarter it showed black against
a silvery climbing phosphorescence that grew and grew.
At last, over the rim of the waiting earth
the moon lifted with slow majesty till it swung clear
of the horizon and rode off, free of moorings;
- Grahame, "The Wind in the Willows."
Lunabar Sun Almanack for Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Sunrise: 10:16 morn. Sunset: 3:35 eve.
Length of Day: 5h. 18m.
Dawn: 9:12 morn. Dusk: 4:39 eve.
Length of Twilight: 1h. 3m.
3° in the Constellation f Sagittarius, the Archer;
& 29° in the Signe f Sagittarius, the Bowman.
The sun breaking out suddenly into bright sunshine through
an otherwise stormy sky is said to be making holes for the
wind to blow through.
- Roper, "Weather Sayings".
Lunabar; The Seasons, 2005
Vernal Equinox (Spring began) March 20th at 3:33 morning.
Sun entered the signe of ^ Aries.
Summer Solstice (Summer began) June 20th at 9:49 evening.
Sun entered the signe of a Cancer.
Autumnal Equinox (Fall began) September 22nd at 1:23 evening.
Sun entered the signe of d Libra.
Winter Solstice (Winter begins) Today at 9:36 morning.
Sun enters the signe of g Capricorn.
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
- John Keats, "To Autumn."