TARGET and Wal-Mart sell books and all on the . internet. TARGET has yet to start selling Wicca > merchandise at store level, I know I work for > them but soon the probably will. Do we really > want to be that common though, as common as > xtianity? Personally I like the Wicca to stay > a mystery religion for the most part. I want > people to know we do not harm others or animals > and all that but let it stay a mystery. Another > part to Wicca is finding resources and supplies, > I mean it is hard but once you find it you value > it but if there comes a time where you have a > Wicca supply store around the corner like you > have on the internet it will begin to lose its > mystery and appeal. Yes I guess I still kinda go > for shock value too but I do find our ways > extremely sacred and want to keep it that way. > Just my opinion though, > Blessings, Korvus OldOak. > >> Its about time someone made it easier for us to > get things like that...sometimes I felt like I > was shopping out of the Closet so to speak..... <<
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