INVOKING THE FOUR WINDS Summoning the powers of the winds and asking for their help is a great way to begin any spell. Here's how. Turn to the North and say something like the following: WINDS OF THE NORTH! RUSHING AND MIGHTY! AID ME IN MY MAGICKAL WORK! Turn to the East and say: WINDS OF THE EAST! DAZZLING AND BRIGHT! AID ME IN MY MAGICKAL WORK! Face the South and say: WINDS OF THE SOUTH! FIERY AND RADIANT! AID ME IN MY MAGICKAL WORK! Then move to the West and say: WINDS OF THE WEST! GENTLE AND BUOYANT! AID ME IN MY MAGICKAL WORK! Now proceed with the spell, secure that the ancient powers of the four winds are aiding your magick. -Scott Cunningham |