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H K Edgerton : H K Edgerton Needs Our Help
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameConfedup®  (Original Message)Sent: 12/10/2005 12:28 AM
Please write and send donations to H K Edgerton. He does a great job for us.
I have seen this man work, and trust me, he does a great job. Please send him
a check for whatever you can afford.
    Make checks out to:  The March Across Dixie
   And mail to:          SLRC,P.O.Box 1235
                        Black Mountain, North Carolina 28711-1236

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameConfedup®Sent: 4/20/2006 8:48 PM
From: H.K. Edgerton [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 9:32 AM
To: 'Ellen'
Subject: RE: An Open Letter To Ms Ellen

Dear Ms Ellen,
God bless you, you have done well. I don't want to recant the many hours, miles traveled, loss of business, cars worn out, beatings I've taken,  I am the only unpaid person in this office. Nobody knows . Every dime I get in donations go right back to fight with. I lost my home in a flood while I was away at a SCV Camp Chartering. I only mention this because you seem to believe that I am so worthless. I am in this fight for all Southerners. I will not sit idle while all Black Southerners are made out to be traitors of the South, now or then. I certainly don't ask for photo opts, but I believe that I would be rude if I didn't comply when people ask. As far as being a celebrity, that's got to be a joke . Black people deserve to be remembered for their loyalty to the South, not just for the reconstruction wrongs done by so few of them ; much like what the poverty pimps are trying to do now. I never use to even ask for donations until my business was stolen while I was out walking to Texas. I'm not belly aching, only presenting some unknown facts. I do not ask to be anyone's spokesman. However, when I do speak, you can be sure it will be for and not against the South and it's honorable people. I wish I had the funds you and your husband have so I would not have to ask people to help. The demands on my time are huge, but it appears that you don't think I should even try to help. Please take a day sometime and come here to our office and listen to or read some of the very sad things that are happening to far too many of our southern family and especially our young who are being forced to remember their ancestors and homeland in shame. Please Ms Ellen, don't ask me not to take a stand in Dixie , and if you can, please don't hate me.
                                          Your Brother,

From: Ellen [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2006 1:31 PM
To: H.K. Edgerton
Subject: Re: An Open Letter To Ms Ellen

     I am retired. My husband is retired; I in '96, he in 03.  Montgomery is 300 miles round trip for us. We didn't make one trip; we made dozens over a 5 yr. period to protect the Confederate History at our beloved Capitol, Cradle of the Confederacy to keep the director of the Alabama Historical Commission (AHC) from turning it into a shrine to the adulterer, communist, plagiarizing martin luther king. We also fought for Fightin Joe Wheeler's personal artifacts to be removed from his home and stored in a safe climate-controlled environment; and for the AHC to restore the general's rapidly deteriorating home; we also fought to keep a liberal professor on the AHC from turning the Script for the new Confederate Park Museum in Marbury, Al into a glorification of slaves and yankees instead of a shrine to Alabama's Confederate soldiers like the 1965 Ala Legislature's Resolution stated. We saved our two state observed Confederate Holidays. We have made a difference. We act. We don't just stand and yell platitudes and get speaking fees. We are not supported by SCV or any organization whom we expect to "pay our way" as we travell to defend our heritage.
Guess what, hk?  We did this on OUR PERSONAL dollars. I wore out a 1999 Davis Continental and I paid for the gasoline, the food, the motel rooms (we had to follow the AHC across Alabama to their meetings) out of my personal retirement.
This heritage defense by a group in Ala calling ourselves SOCCI (Save Our Capitol Citizens Initiative) began on March 5, 2001 and WE STILL travel to Montgomery to stand for our CSA veterans. There's about 6 of us. We don't do photo opps and we don't ask for donations and we are NOT into it to be a celebrity. We are not seeking the media spotlight. The CSA soldiers were our grandfathers, our family.  We have no agenda; only a loyalty for the blood that flows through our veins.
"Given the circumstances, if we use one black spokesman, we immediately shift the attack spotlight from our enemies back to ourselves. The public will receive two messages about us loud and clear, no matter what our black spokesman actually says: first, that we do not have enough confidence in the rightness of  our own cause to promote it ourselves, and therefore we believe that we must use this black spokesman to validate our cause to the community.  And, second, that we are afraid of the black activist, and we are hoping that this black spokesman will protect us against them and their name-calling. Having received these subliminal messages which say that we believe the blacks are  more powerful and righteous  than we are, the public will rightly repudiate us for hiding behind the blacks.  Our enemies will spot our weakness (ie.,our defensiveness), and promptly go on the attack, and eat us for breakfast. And the event will mark the sudden and total failure of our ideological revolutionary war against liberalism."
Frank Conner Page 710-711, The South Under Siege.