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Rosie's Book : My Wedding
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From: MSN Nicknamegodsrosiegirl  (Original Message)Sent: 1/6/2006 11:39 AM
I thought since I just celebrated my 7th wedding anniversary I would start there. 
I went to church faithfully and one Sunday this tall man came in with some friends of mine.  I didn't pay too much attention but I noticed he kept on coming until one Sunday he did not come.
It was then I realized he was kinda in my brain a bit and I missed him.  We spoke every Sunday but that was it or so I thought.
Shortly after that we had a church picnic and who should sit besides each other?  He and I.  Somehow we got to talking, and talking and talking.  Wow that was really great.  When I got home I realized I had talked about things I thought were buried deep, some of the things I had really forgotten but we were able to talk so freely it made a great impression.\
After that we dated and boy did we have a great time.  This was so wonderful for me because the reason I ended up in South Bend in the first place was because I was sick and could not take care of myself. 
I lived with my daughter and I thought that is the way it would be forever.  Without even realizing it my health got better and better and the next thing I knew my daughter and I was looking for me an apartment.  And we found a townhouse, wonderful townhouse and this was during the time I was dating Mark.
Needless to say he helped me move.  He had things in storage he was not using and asked if I would like to use some of it.  Of course I told him the only way I could accept anything from him was for him to understand I was not making a committment.  OK so it was understood.
Hah, but he helped me move and I did not want him to leave.  Hmmmmmmmm.  What was happening.  I told myself I had been alone for 17 years and I was just enjoying the company.  But things got really intense, too intense, too fast.
One day he came home from work and I told him he had to leave because this was just getting to intense too fast and I didn't think that was what I wanted. 
WELL to my surprise, he asked me to marry him.  The odds were stacked against us.  He is a white German, I am Indian and Black,  he is 15 years younger than me and we had not known each other 6 months yet.  I told him I had to think and pray about it.
I did and I did.  Guess, YES.  Didn't know if it would work but I knew we were very happy and it was just worth giving it a chance.  We set our date for June of the next year but decided we did not want to wait that long so we changed it to January 1st.  We would start the year out as husband and wife. 
He has three children.  Two were for it and one son called me and told me I just wanted to hurt his dad.  He said his dad was gullable and he just did not want to have to pick up the pieces when I got through with him.  Of course that did not stop us.
My friends were happy for me and helped me with my wedding plans.  We were to have a church wedding and it was going to be so very nice.  We were both so excited.
We got our RSVP's back and everyone was coming.  The church was going to be beautiful and his oldest son was his best man, my daughter was my matron of honor.
The day before the wedding the weather started getting really bad but the bakery said they could still deliver the cake, the photoprapher was on his way and the planner was going to get the church decorated.  Yippee.  Everything was set.
The wedding was at 3 o:clock on the 1st so we had plenty of time.  We went to bed that night knowing everything would go off without a hitch.
I woke up at 6 am, looked outside but we were barricaded in.  We had had a blizzard and the snow drifts were as tall as our 2nd floor apartment.  The lady from the bakery called and said she could not get to the bakery, the photographer called and said his wife wanted him to come back home before it got too bad and all my friends and family started calling in to say they could not get out of their homes or they couldn't get into South Bend.
I cried and cried but what could I do?  Mark held me but my wedding was ruined.  What is a bride suppose to do?  We couldn't get into the church at all and the pastor couldnt get out of his house.Needless to say we did not get married on the 1st as planned, nor the second.
All of South Bend was shut down and no one was to go out of their homes.  But we had a plan.  The pastor said if we could get to his home he would marry us.
Mark went out with a shovel and after about 5 hours he dug us out and made a path so we could get our car started and out on the road.  We called my daughter and her husband and asked if they would be our witnesses.  They had to did out of their front door and made a path to the downtown postoffice where we finally was able to pick them up.
When we got to the pastors area we found we could not drive to his house so we had to park the car and trudge through the snow for three blocks.  We had on our flannel shirts, long johns and boots, gloves, hats and when we got to the pastors house we were so cold.  His wife had us some spagetti made and plenty of hot chocolate.
They found a CD with the wedding march so we played that as we were married in front of their fireplace.
This is a true story.  The names have not been changed to protect the innocent.
When things get bad for us we reminess about that day and all we went through to get married.  We celebrated our 7th anniversary this year.  We decided that if we make it to 10 that year we are having a big wedding, new wedding rings and we are going on a fabulous honeymoon.  I will want you guys there too.

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     re: My Wedding   MSN NicknameGrace·  1/7/2006 1:19 AM
     re: My Wedding   MSN Nicknamegranny08x  1/8/2006 2:47 PM
     re: My Wedding   MSN NicknameGrace·  1/10/2006 3:53 AM