History Holds Its Breath

Dispatches from D.C.

A few Leaguers are lucky enough to be in D.C. this week for this incredible Inauguration.  They'll be  "twittering" updates from the front lines, so keep coming back for the latest news and views on this historic moment in the making.  Your fearless correspondents include...


* Sam Patton, Tech Director
* Heather Box, Development Director
* Khari Mosley, Political & Field Director

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Lady Liberty, with fireworks lighting the sky

Happy New Year from the League

This year marks a new chapter of life in America.

We don't know what will happen in 2009. Will it be hard? Yeah, seems like it. Will it be tough? Yes, but we can handle it. If we stay engaged, if we educate ourselves and our friends, then together we will write a story of unity and strength the world will never forget.

Here's to 2009; let's get to work.

Smiling young voters with a homemade Obama poster

Changing the Unchangeable

In a recent New America Media piece, activist Raj Jayadev shared his views on community organizing, Obama's win, and our victories yet to come.  Check it out:

"The reason community organizers seem starry-eyed and unrealistically idealistic at because it is in those moments that an organizer becomes a witness to the potential of everyday people changing the seemingly unchangeable."

See the full story on NAM's website

It's a New Day; It's a New Era

It's a New Day; It's a New Era

In the afterglow of Tuesday's monumental victory, many of us are looking for insight from the great leaders and thinkers of the youth movement. Two inspiring voices from the progressive world offer their views:

It's a New Day
by Jeff Chang, Hip Hop Journalist and League board member

It's a New Era
by Biko Baker, Director of the League of Young Voters

How we did it

The League has helped bring thousands of new young people into the political process, in crucial states around the country.  On this historic moment, we pause to honor those who have pushed through the toughest circumstances, determined to join the movement for a better country and world.

Check out this video about Valentino Gray -- one of our star canvassers in Wisconsin -- his difficult path to where he is today, and his unique method of engaging his community.


The Election Day Public Board

We asked to hear from everyone on election day.  What was going on in your town?

You can still check out the election day public board.

Fighting back on Election Day

Fighting back on Election Day

Here is the rapid response campaign we launched in the middle of election day:

In many states people have received deceptive text messages and emails saying that because of long lines, they should wait to vote until Wednesday. Of course that is not true.  Today is the final day to vote!

It's just another illegal attempt to confuse people and suppress the vote.  On top of that, once again we're facing unacceptably long lines at polling places around the country.

We need to act now! Here's what you can do.

Voter guides

Voter Guides

It's that time of year again, when your friends and neighbors are trying to figure out what the @%$# all these damn propositions on the ballot mean.

Luckily, there's, the Do-It-Yourself website for progressive voter guides.  Find a guide for your area, or make a new one, and help people in your area make smart voting choices!

Check it out...

Look at all these rumors

Look at all these rumors

Yep, a lotttt of stuff going around.  Did you hear the rumor that you'll get turned away from the polls if you're wearing a candidate t-shirt?  Or that you could lose your financial aid if you vote at school?  Or that you're required to mark your ballot with yellow lipstick?  Wondering what's true?

Check out the Top 8 Voting Myths Dispelled over at WireTap.

Trick or Vote - A League Halloween

Several League affiliates rocked a Trick Or Vote Halloween this year, combining the fun of Halloween door-knocking with the power of get-out-the-vote door-knocking.  The TV news caught up with the Minnesota League on the candy-and-voting trail....

Now is the time - Donate and make an impact in '08

Now is the time - Donate and make an impact in '08

Read how you could literally be impacting the election by contributing today to the League's work in crucial states.


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Be there when our country elects a new president

Be there when our country elects a new president

On a historic day like this one, don't you want to be with your friends and countrymen?

Election Results Party!  Doors open at 8pm, no cover, 21+ to drink, 18+ to vote!

Hosted by Ezra and Chassity "yah lioness", and Open mike with Hambone Jenkins.  @ The Shadow Lounge, 5927 Baum Blvd,

Why would anyone want to prevent you from voting?

Watch this video and help fight voter suppression in Pennsylvania!

You might have heard about some of the misinformation campaigns going on in Pennsylvania.  It's ugly stuff, like fliers telling people that if they have outstanding parking tickets or child support payments, they could be arrested at the polls.

It's infuriating. And we're not going to accept it.

Watch the video and help us fight voter suppression.

Rosario Dawson and Wilmer Valderrama

Early voting gives you sex appeal

Our friends at Voto Latino just released Part 5 of their telenovéla series "La Pasion de la Decisión," starring Rosario Dawson and Wilmer Valderrama.

Funny as hell, check it out.

From the Maine Homepage
7 Days Left!

7 Days Left!

Join the League in the many volunteer opportunities in the next week...!

Nation outraged at nonvoter

Your friend lost the election

This is a funny customizable video from MoveOn that lets you put your friend's name directly into the video as the country's non-voting villain.

Here's a version we customized with the name Nancy Butters, but you can customize it with your own friend's name.

This section paid for by League of Young Voters Political Action Committee (LYV PAC) 45 Main Street, Suite 628 Brooklyn, NY 11201, Robert Baker, Treasurer. Not paid for by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Create your own Vote Mob �TC League Endorsements Finalized

Create your own Vote Mob �?TC League Endorsements Finalized

We did the research�?/p> And man was it a lot of work! Here are the candidates we think best reflect the needs and values of young people in the Twin Cites. Now we need your help to get it out there.

We have a Poster Contest Winner!

We have a Poster Contest Winner!

Janel Ganaway, age 12, submitted the winning design for the PA League of Young Voters "Unlock the Vote" poster contest.

One thousand copies have been printed and distributed throughout the city in selected neighborhoods.  The poster contest was part of the PA League's ongoing Unlock the Vote program, which encourages inmate and ex-offender communities to know their rights, get registered, and vote.

We're hard at work and we need your help!

We're hard at work and we need your help!

The League is hard at work in crucial states, turning out young people to the polls who have the ability to impact the election.

Now we need your help to make sure we can sustain this work.

Can you create a fundraising page to raise money and help turn out thousands of young progressive voters?


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Voter Guides:
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