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Old Geek's : ??? Where/What is our Spirit ???/Old Geek
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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: Aprilborn  in response to Message 1Sent: 1/11/2004 11:02 PM
Recommend Delete    Message 22 of 35 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameCatherine-----------</NOBR> Sent: 12/8/2003 2:34 AM
second: some have looked at the task to memorise the Universe at the quantum informational level.....
Geek, just a very quick note...instead of computer think of it as a spiritual memory bank...i get back for the reasons why i think this to be likely..

Recommend Delete    Message 23 of 35 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameCatherine-----------</NOBR> Sent: 12/8/2003 9:30 AM
i get back for the reasons why i think this to be likely..

Please bear with me Geek....though we’ve discussed many times.

As we are born with a "free will" we have no restrictions which roads we want to travel on. In our 6000 years of civilisation we have travelled (to generalize) the way of "get instead of give", with the outcome we all can observe. We stand on the brink of extinction through breaking the chain of nature and pollution of the planet alone, never mind the possibility of extinction through nuclear weapons.

My questions are " Why would a Creator create beings so inferior and destructive when he could have made "robots" to do jobs for him ?"

"What are the jobs that God wants us to do, once we are in his spiritual kingdom ? Are we to sing hymns all day ? "

I think these are valid questions.

Other questions like "What happens to all those atheists that have ever lived and live? Is God going to throw them into a lake of fire ? Or those people that have never even heard of God ?

Yet is a criminal—murderer, or whatever, going to hold any job in God’s spiritual kingdom ? Does God set conditions for being in his kingdom and why ?

Would God " immortalize " human beings with the risk of causing havoc in the heavens as well as the earth ?

So why are we here ? Could it be to develop character ? But what sort of character ...?

In those 6000 years, mankind (by it’s own behavior) has proved to have destructive traits. Hence the condition of the planet....surely this can’t be the right sort of character. Does God want us to learn through our own  experience ?

See what I am getting at ? Now if we have an immortal soul, where is it , which part of our body ? And what happens to it when the body dies? Does it float around the universe ? Or are our thoughts immortal ? If yes, what are these immortal thoughts going to do?

The human memory holds all the information about us (the memory is in the spirit).... my question "Could it be that it is this part which goes to a spiritual memory bank for a future resurrection ? The bible certainly speaks of more than one resurrection and Christ taught that all should be saved, that would include atheists....and those that never heard of God.

And Jesus said "We are saved through  FAITH" .

See what I mean ?

Recommend Delete    Message 24 of 35 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameTheOldGeek1</NOBR> Sent: 12/8/2003 1:13 PM
The human memory holds all the information about us (the memory is in the spirit).... my question "Could it be that it is this part which goes to a spiritual memory bank for a future resurrection ?
The human memory is like any other material mecanism full of failures and errors. Maybe there is a kind of "spiritual memory bank" in the heaven, but for it to keep all the infos about every aspect of our lives through eternal Live, it should be on a pefertion scale that "is not of this universe". So, except for the conceptual analogy, our present understanding of the workings of material memory are of no use with that spiritual memory which would have none of the constraints of its material equivalent .