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The Craft Class : Craft Class November 20, 2005
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From: MSN NicknameHunters_Moon_12  (Original Message)Sent: 11/21/2005 3:07 PM
Below are the class notes for those who want them.

Blessed Be

Shielding and Self Protection
By Hunters_Moon

After reading this amazing article on empaths that was posted to one of the groups that I'm part of, I received some clarity on a lot of my feelings and behavior over the years until I came to the realization that I am empathic. I realized that I am extremely sensitive to the emotions, energies, etc. of other people, homes, etc. which is why I often find myself feeling sad or happy or angry without understanding why. It's not that I only feel sympathy or commiserate with what another person is feeling, I actually take on the emotions without understanding the basis of feeling that way.

It's like I walk into a house and instantly I want to leave because I feel this overwhelming sadness that permeates the walls; or I meet this person who's extremely negative and I find myself completely depressed after being around them.

Have you ever been around someone and found yourself feeling extremely drained or depressed only to wonder why?

Or you meet a friend who's extremely upbeat and cheery, and you instantly find yourself with a spring in your step and a smile on your face?

We're all sensitive to another's energies at one level or another but some are so sensitive that they are overcome with emotions, energies, etc. and sometimes it gets to be so bad that you find yourself at the mercy of these influences. And then you begin to avoid crowds because the mixture of energies impacts you and makes you feel muddled. Or you dread going to someone's house because you cannot help but get drawn down by the negativity that is in the house. Or you avoid co-workers or acquaintances because their presence drains your energies to the point that you find yourself worn out and depressed.

But some people cannot be avoided, just like some homes and some places, etc. And you do not need to be at the mercy of these energies. You can take control.

Shielding or warding is a matter of taking control. Psychic protection is not a topic that's talked about a lot but it is a skill that is necessary and valuable to each and every one us. So, for tonight we will discuss shielding, dealing with negativity, and some protective spells.

The first meditation we will discuss is called the Web of Stars by Silver Ravenwolf. The meditation only takes a few minutes but with repeated practice becomes very powerful in your magickal toolbox to avoid being drained (psychic vampirism), emotional upheaval or any other variety of nasties that you find yourself at the mercy of.

Now, close your eyes and take in a deep breath. Use the two to one ratio. Breathe in on a count of four, and breathe out on a count of eight.

Breathe in through the nose slowly, consciously. Feel the air move and the belly rise.
Focus on your breath as you breathe out and feel the belly lower.
If you need to, place one hand on your belly and feel the air come in and the belly rise gently, slowly.
Now breathe out slowly and feel the belly lower.
Focus on your breath. Be in this moment.
Breathe in light, breathe out shadow.
Feel the air caress the inside of your nose as it comes in. It is cool, crisp clean.
Breathe in light, breathe out shadow.
Feel the air come out through the nose, warmed by your body.
Breathe in light, breathe out shadow.
Count down from ten to one.

Imagine that you are surrounded by white light. Feel the light pulse around you as it hums and caresses your skin. Allow the white light to grow stronger...brighter…bigger�?

The light becomes a solid shield around your body. The skin taut and supple. Now surround the white light with a web of stars. This web is like an electrical force field. When any negativity touches the web, it disintergrates. The waves that result from these tiny explosions turn into positive energy, clinging to the net, thereby reinforcing the original web.

If you have trouble seeing this then think of a bug light. I know, not very magical, but the bug hits the light and there is a zapping sound as the light grows brighter.

Hold this visualization for as long as you can. Now take a deep breath. Reach out with your heart and feel the presence of Spirit, allowing that peaceful feeling to flow through your body. Take another deep breath. Count from one to five and open your eyes. Practice this at least twice every day, and use this visualization when you find yourself feeling sick, upset, sad, etc.

The more you practice the stronger your shield will become.

Another simple visualization is to imagine yourself surrounded by blue light. Blue is healing and if you find yourself struggling with another's energies or vibrations, picture a cocoon of blue surrounding you. It hugs you like your favorite blanket, caressing you with its softness as it ebbs and flows around you with healing and protective energies. The surface is glassy blue as waves of negativity or shadow hit the surface and leave ripples along the surface before bouncing away.

The shield can be anything that you wish be it blue light, white light, a cloak of stars or whatever you visualize protecting you but the important thing is to practice a protective visualization daily because this strengthens the shield as well as your ability to call up the shield whenever necessary. As you get better at creating this visual shield, you will want to add layers upon layers to make the shield harder to penetrate. Also remember, you will want a shield close to your body as well for those who invade your personal space because if you place the shield too far from your body then a person can actually step within the shield and it will not have any effect.

And just like there are meditations for shielding, there are spells as well. The following are some spells to consider or try when you find yourself in need�?BR>
Protective Shield Spell

Is to imagine a silver shield, wall or bubble around yourself or those you wish to protect. Think of it as an impenetrable, invisible but flexible substance (maybe like mercury) that surrounds you and that keeps out anything that is unwanted. Speak these words as you visualize the protective barrier growing:

"Shield hold true, no harm pass through".

You can invoke this shield any time, any place, whenever you feel the need. Know that your words will bring it into existence.

Banishing Bad Vibes Spell

If your home feels like there is something there that shouldn't be, or that someone is thinking ill of you or sending bad vibes your way, try this:

Mix salt and water and bless it. Go through your home, sprinkling the salt water around, and recite in a loud voice:

“Dark intruders, hear my call.
Heed my warning, listen all.
Return to thy sender, beyond these walls,
Take with thee nothing, nothing at all.
In no way shall this spell reverse or place upon me any curse,
In the name of the Goddess, and of the God, I proclaim this spell complete.
So Mote it Be.�?BR>
I used this spell myself when I found myself overwhelmed with bad vibes. I wasn't sure where it was coming from (though I have my suspicions) but I wanted to do something about it. Doing this spell seemed to lighten my house immediately as well as having a positive effect on my overall energies.

Revitalize Auric Shield Spell

This ritual may be performed to purify and strengthen your auric shield. Outline a pentagram on the floor with chalk or salt. Make the pentragram large enough to accommodate you sitting in the middle on a stool or on your bum. Gather five mirrors and place each at the five points of the pentagram. Put a tea light candle on top of each mirror. Light sage incense, and place a bowl of water infused with rosemary along with a sprig of the herb in the center of the pentagram. Sit on the stool, pray to the Lord and Lady, and begin to meditate. Listen to the rhythms of the universe, and clear your mind of all thoughts. Slow down your breathing, and gently keep your mind from wandering to any place other than here. Once you have passed some time in this manner, thank the deities, then take the rosemary sprig and pass it around your body three times. Dip the sprig in the infusion, and sprinkle the water form your head to your feet. When you have finished this ritual, pause to thank your divinities for your renewed strength. Extinguish the candles, and remove all traces of the pentagram.

Another idea to practice is called zipping up. The central meridian in your energetic body works like a radio receiver and can channel other people's negative thoughts and energies into you. It's as if you are open and exposed. The central meridian runs like a zipper from your pubic bone up to your bottom lip, and you can actually use the electromagnetic and more subtle energies or your hands to "zip it up". Pulling your hands up the central meridian draws energy along the line and helps protect you from the negative energies.

It is actually pretty quick and simple, taking only about twenty seconds. I've used it a few times and found it very beneficial. First you find the two depressions beneath your collar bone and just in from your sternum. Then, cross your arms on your chest and put your right fingers on the left depression and your left on the right. These depressions are called K27 points on the energetic body that I am studying in Energy Medicine, and you want to thump or tap these briskly for about twenty seconds to ensure the meridians are all moving in a forward direction. We will have a class discussing meridians and the energetic body in greater detail at a future date.

One you have done this, place your hand at the bottom end of the central meridian (which is at your pubic bone) and take a deep breath in as you simultaneously move your hand with deliberation straight up the center of your body to your lower lip. Repeat this three times.

This is the natural direction that this meridian flows and by tracing it, you strengthen the meridian and it strengthens you. Just remember to breathe deeply.

There are also symbols used to dispel the evil eye. One of the most famous amulets against the evil eye is the Egyptian Udjat or Eye of Horus. Greeks, Lebanese, and the Turkish are known to wear glass pendants of white and blue eyes set in silver. Huichol Indians of modern Mexico make eye amulets called ojos de dios or "eyes of God" to protect homes, fields and communities. A potent deterrent is to paint white and blue eyes on a piece of white cotton or paper and display in your house or have smaller ones on your person.

Another practice is called smudging. Smudging is used to clear your energy and any surrounding negativity while burning it when others are around helps to keep negativity at bay. I know I often wash down my floors and walls with an infusion of rosemary and lavender to lift the house's energies and dispel any shadows brought in by visitors.

Ringing a bell is believed to dispel negative energy as well. As an interesting sidebar, bikers (motorcycles not pedal bikes) often give each other a bell to hang on their bikes. The ringing bell is believed to frighten away highway gremlins that wreak havoc on the bike and cause accidents. It is considered a huge honor when a biker gives another biker a bell because it means that he thinks highly of his friend and cares.

Also, you can use black tourmaline �?when you notice a sudden emotion, etc. that appears without reason then visualize it draining into the stone. Then, neutralize this energy by storing your tourmaline in a container filled with rock or sea salt as another alternative to the visualizations or spells. Another stone you can carry is smoky quartz which wards off negative vibrations as well. Smoky quartz is one of my favorite stones.

Also, another idea for dealing with negativity or absorbing another's issues is to use the mantra "I lovingly receive the energy that belongs to me. I lovingly release the energy that does not belong to me." Repeat this mantra as you meditate or when you are upset or whenever you feel the need and see how it helps.

Empathy is a gift and developing skills in empathy can be a gift. While it is good to sense emotions and issues of other people, inadvertently absorbing these emotions and issues isn't. You may walk away from a conversation angry and not know why. You may pass a stranger and suddenly feel exhausted without any apparent reason. So one of the skills you need to build as an empath is the ability to discern what issues belong to you and what issues you've absorbed from someone else. Once you have been able to figure this out, you'll want to cleanse this other issue from your energy. Strengthening your own shield and recognizing when you are under the influence of someone else's energies will help set you free.

That's it for tonight's class. I hope you enjoyed it and found it beneficial. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].

For next week, I believe we will be discussing spells �?their wording, structure, etc.

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