 | | From: Noserose (Original Message) | Sent: 10/27/2008 6:03 PM |
Who can rebuild the Republican party? It's pretty obvious except to a few diehard neocons that the Republicans are going to take quite a shellacking on Nov 4th. The reasons why are obvious as well. The Republicans and their Conservative supporters sold their collective souls to the neocons for power and now eight years later both the Cons and the party are in disgrace. America wants nothing more to do with them. Who in the American Conservative movement and/or the Republican party can rebuild the party? Is there someone waiting in the wings that can get the job done? Who will the Cons look to to follow? Where will they start? Who will lead and how will they get the job done? |
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There are conservative Democrats wondering about the Democrat Party and why the party left them? The time is ripe for a third party. |
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Bob the Builder and Joe the plumber? |
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I get the impression just about everybody would like a third party but no one would vote for it. |
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Why would ther even be a discussion about rebuilding the Repugnican party? The Saviour has come to unite us all, so two parties won't really be necessary any more. Obama's going to creat 1,000,000 jobs, lower our taxes, solve the energy crisis, get us out of Iraq, save the US auto industry, turn the economy around, make health care accessible for everyone, solve the Social Security funding problem, reform Washington DC, an dmake sveral appearances on SNL, Oprah, and The View. Of course, McCain claims he's going to do all of these things as well, but he's old and Republcian, and not the wowzer that Obama is. Does anyone else get sick of the amazing promises these puke buckets make with no intentions of ever keeping? |
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Many, many years ago Chief!! |
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governor palin will unite the republicans. they love her. |
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Yup... Saracuda is a very good start........Caribou Barbie has my vote anytime  |
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Just as I thought....there's nobody out there to lead the cons into a rebuilding program. Looks like they will be wandering about in the wilderness for a while. |
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When they get rid of the scandalizing of people for no good reason...when they get rid of folks like Storm Front...when they actually learn what truth is...I will come back until them I am taking a vacation and am on strike till further notice...Too bad that Barr ran as a Libertarian...I still did not throw away my vote though...I voted for the person they want to demonize the most... |
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My point being that they made a mistake by selecting Barr...had they nominated a REAL Libertarian who stood for Libertarian ideals...I might have paid attention. Instead they voted for white supremist Barr... |
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Palin isn't nobody. correct ... shes george bush in drag ... regardless of whos at the top of the gop ticket, theyll still be using the same people bush used ... the last 8 years have proven that the gop has no clue how to run a country, only how to destroy one (or three) ... |
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No one could build a political party around Sarah Palin!  |
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I agree Rose. She's not the future, and if she is, it will be a long time before I vote Repub again. I suspect the Repubs are looking for their own version of Obama to rebuild the party around. |
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Carly Fiorina  The republican party can no longer afford to present it's self as the party of "Wasp's. The demographic has radically changed sense the time of Nixon's Strategy and along with that it has brought a paradigm shift in American Consciousness. Gone is the time of the Bigots, Demonists and Homophobes frothing the republican faithful with fear and loathing. The GOP has to return to its ideological roots of Lincoln, Eisenhower and Regan, it needs to become the party for individuals. Furthermore they have to attract a new demographic that is "Traditional" (Not Fundamental), Family oriented (not Male Chauvinist), Business oriented (not greedy), more Latin (not Latino) and yes closer to people's Faith (not just Protestant). That means bringing in Conservative Hispanics, Blacks, Women and small business people. Carly can directly relate to three of the four and the other can appreciate her outsider status. We have to do allot of work and I mean a whole lot of philosophical ground work to create Carly the "Techno" Con style of Republican Traditionalism. If we can get her into the Governorship of California, then she WILL be the first woman president and save the Republican Party from it's lethargic Luddite self. |
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