 | | From: Noserose (Original Message) | Sent: 10/27/2008 7:54 PM |
Why are we on these boards? Why are we here and what do we need? For me......I have the time and the opportunity and a thirst for both communication and knowledge. I like the company as well. I am vitally interested in reading other peoples opinions but will readily admit I mostly like to give my own. I like to know what I think on all issues and subjects and these boards help immensely in giving me the facts to base my opinions on. I seldom change my mind once I have formed an opinion. My general life philosophy is more important that mere politics but the fact that I am a liberal and secular humanist has fashioned my political beliefs and made me.... for good or bad....what I am. In general people spend most of their times on political boards trying to convince someone that they are wrong. If we didn't have strong opinions on issues it's doubtful we would be on these boards at all. People like to be treated with at least a modicum of respect and when they're not...... all hell can break loose. Cyber fights can be very colorful, bitter and hysterical......and fun! My biggest problem has been an inability or a stubborn disregard for other peoples sensitivities. I'm very tuned into my own but am often oblivious of others. I think I am changing but it's easy to regress. On the other hand I am always amazed at the sheer number of people out there in cyberspace who will never take personal responsibility for anything. They are always 100% right and the other person is always 100% wrong. Even when you confront them with unassailable proof they will not accept any of it and continue their litany of innocence. This inability to look at themselves with any self critical analysis is really amazing. I have made some great friends and horrible enemies in cyberspace. I have been stalked, threatened and bullied but also sweet talked, wooed, wowed and propositioned. I have been stupid and smart, evil and good, rough and ready and have worn my heart on my sleeve. I have damned the guilty and hurt the innocent and have many regrets but at the same time great memories. In short......it's life! Perhaps not "real" life but that doesn't negate it's importance. The greatest cyberspace insult is "Get a life!" However cyber-live is part of modern life in our society.....at least for many of us. Anything that helps me define who and what I am must be useful. Anything that helps me decide where I fit in between the mud and the cosmos must be useful. Learning .....like truth..... will slip in through any opening it can find no matter how hidden and how small it might be and I have been blessed with a few cyber-friends that have taught me so much. I am luckly enough to have two lives. Different for sure but not incompatible and each rewarding and challenging. My real life and my cyber-life. Both are really cool! What do you think? How is it for you? What are you getting out of the experience and why? Why are you here and what do you want? Rose |
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"And after so many years of having to listen to boring people it is rejuvenating to be able to shut off a bore with just a click of the mouse." amen brother  |
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"I post beacouse I like talking to people without having to dress up , and put on makeup" *He,he* that sounds like me :-D I have just joyned here , but it is a lot of good stuff to read here , and also it is nice to "socialize" with people from diffrent countries/cutures etc. I am glad the world now is getting "smaller". It is also nice to read the wiews Americans have on the upcoming election, and the two main caracters in it. |
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Well Rose I am online in groups because of bush in 1999. I am as you know a Christian also a liberal. Got pretty tired of other Christians telling me I had to be for bush( who gave me a pain in my stomach whenever I had to see or hear him) or I was responsible for abortion or whatever else they wanted to blame on liberals. Got tired of telling them to read their Bible and show me where it said greed was godly - to read the sermon on the mount and see how Jesus wants us to be. So found some Dem groups and then found some Christian groups and then found some Christians who were Dems and we formed a group of people who were Democrats and Christian. Funny thing is that one of those people recently told me I couldn't be a Christian and vote for McCain - didn't even see how she was behaving just like the cons had to us. Anyway; that is why I came to groups. On the way started a couple and managed and assistant managed a few. Made some online friends- enjoyed sharing opinions and finding out what was going on in other places. It is a place to come to relax and sometimes to get my blood stirred up.However , I do not think I will be moving on in Feb. Already unjoined all the other political groups and now only come to a few groups. The few I started and manage which are closed private groups and this and sometimes the community managers group. But I think I am moving on in February. There is much more to life than this and online friends are nice but unless they are in the same city one doesn't get to go out to dinner with them and they don't come to help when you are ill and you cannot go and help them when they are ill. Nice to know them ;but face to face is better. |
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I suspect we will lose around 70% of members from all the boards. It may well turn out to be the end.  |
 | | From:  xgunny® | Sent: 10/31/2008 6:23 PM |
We may lose a bunch before the MSN groups shutdown. I have it on good authority that, if Obama wins next week, a lot of McCain supporters here are moving to France to become goatherds and to learn to make cheese. This will be a good thing for the American economy. They'll screw up the French cheese industry, just like they have screwed up everything else they've gotten their greedy little hands on, and the people in Wisconsin can take over the market. |
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...are they going to become goatherds or goatherders? |
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That gunny sure is dingy! |
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LOL......really.....Laughing OUT LOUD!!!!!!! |
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WHAT DOES "DINGY" MEAN  ??? I think he means "goatherders " Rose , even if the term "goatherds " might be more suitable , and make more sense  |
 | | From:  xgunny® | Sent: 11/1/2008 11:35 AM |
Hark, ye of little faith!  If I said goatherds, it is because I meant goatherds, not goat herds. goatherds <FORM name=entry action=/dictionary method=post>One entry found. <INPUT type=hidden value=Dictionary name=book> <INPUT type=hidden value=goatherds name=quer> <INPUT type=hidden name=jump> <INPUT type=hidden value=va:1,0,0,0|goatherd=1062491131 name=list> </FORM> - Main Entry:
- goat·herd
- Pronunciation:
- \-ˌhərd\
- Function:
- noun
- Etymology:
- Middle English goteherd, from Old English gāthyrd
- Date:
- before 12th century
Here is a story of interest: A 116-year-old Ukrainian goat herd claims his long life is down to never having had sex with a woman. Hmmm. Maybe a little culture is in order after that one. Sir Philip Sidney Strephon. Ye Goatherd gods, that love the grassy mountains, Ye nymphs which haunt the springs in pleasant valleys, Ye satyrs joyed with free and quiet forests, Vouchsafe your silent ears to plaining music, Which to my woes gives still an early morning, And draws the dolor on till weary evening. And for all you smug critics who doubted my command of the English language, your pentenance will be to suffer through an example of the literature I had to go through to offer this post. Goatherds, smugglers, and revolutionaries: a history of coffee According to legend, we learned about coffee from goats. Around the year 850 in southern Abyssinia, a young goatherd named Khaldi noticed that his goats were particularly frisky and frolicsome when he brought them home in the evening. Curious, he followed them the next day and observed them eating the leaves and berries of the coffee tree. Possessing the scientific spirit of inquiry, the lad tried the fruits himself and was delighted with the result. The prior of a nearby monastery of dervishes followed his example, and found the beans excellent for sustaining the all-night prayers and devotions of his sect. And finally, some tid-bits that no one should be without: How Can I tell when my goat is in heat? You can tell a doe is in heat because she will act restless, uneasy, excitable, or agitated. Often she will make unusual bleating sounds and she will flag (wag) her tail a lot. You might see vulvular swelling and a clear to whitish vaginal discharge. This is normal. We keep a few wethers with our does. The wethers will act 'bucky' when a doe goes into season. He will try to ride her and will pester her a lot. He will flick his tongue over her sides and neck. He can be very vocal and make very unusual sounds during this time. Sometimes we could swear we hear them talking during this time. 
 | | From: govols | Sent: 11/1/2008 12:02 PM |
I play on these boards because I like the way conversations flow. They're very much like the sort of rolling discussions enjoyed at social gatherings; be they barrooms, after-service church gatherings, even informal get-to-gathers among friends, neighbors or co-workers. A topic can come up, get dismissed as uninteresting for a time, but then re-emerge later as worthy of further exploration. Some idiot--or genius--might pop off with a comment that starts a brawl, but which later develops into a really interesting debate. I like how you can walk away, ponder on another's comments, and then come back hours or days later and rejoin the conversation, usually without really seeming a boor. I really enjoy the "group experience" the boards provide. I think they're a unique new way for disparate individuals to express themselves and learn about the views/ideas of others. |
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Lonely goatherd{ers}. Goatherd[ers}, Gods, coffee, smuggers, revolutionaries and goats in heat. Only from our gunny!!  |