 | | From: Noserose (Original Message) | Sent: 10/28/2008 12:39 PM |
Found? King Solomon's Mines King Solomon, who assumed the throne of the kingdom of Israel after the death of his father King David, was renowned for his great wealth no less than for his great wisdom. But as always with the Bible, scholars have a field day arguing over the account’s historical accuracy. On one count, at least—the story of King Solomon’s mines—archaeologists think they have evidence that the story was more than a legend. An excavation led by Thomas Levy of the University of California, San Diego, and Mohammad Najjar of Jordan’s Friends of Archaeology has unearthed what they identify as an ancient center for copper production at Khirbat en-Nahas. Located in the lowlands of a desolate, arid region south of the Dead Sea in what was once the Kingdom of Edom, which the Old Testament describes as a foe of Israel, it is now the Faynan district of Jordan. As they are reporting in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, radiocarbon analysis dates the site as from the 10th century BCE, when David and Solomon would have ruled and about 300 years earlier than scholars thought. It is by no means certain that Solomon (or David) controlled the mines, but at least the dates now match. The current work finds that metallurgic activity at the site spiked during the 9th century BCE, which is in agreement with the idea of the strength and power of the Edomites. Biblical archeologists have been torn over whether the Edomites were sufficiently organized by the 10th to 9th centuries BCE to threaten the neighboring Israelites. But with the new excavations, said Levy, “we have evidence that complex societies were indeed active in 10th and 9th centuries BCE and that brings us back to the debate about the historicity of the Hebrew Bible narratives related to this period.�?/P> Ancient Egyptian artifacts—a scarab and an amulet—were found in a layer of the dig that coincided with a serious disruption in copper production, at the end of the 10th century BCE. That was also the time when Pharaoh Sheshonq I, whom the Bible calls Shishak, mounted a military campaign after Solomon’s death to crush economic activity in the area. “We can’t believe everything ancient writings tell us,�?Levy said. “But this research represents a confluence between the archaeological and scientific data and the Bible.�?It remains to be seen whether other scholars in the notoriously disputatious field of biblical archaeology agree, of course, but for now Levy and his team are pressing on. They hope to figure out who actually controlled the copper industry at Khirbat en-Nahas: David and Solomon, or Edomite leaders? http://blog.newsweek.com/blogs/labnotes/archive/2008/10/27/the-real-life-king-solomon-s-mines.aspx >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> { This brings back memories of Bible storybooks I used to read as a little girl. For some reason I envisioned King Solomon's mines to be full of treasures, gold, silver, diamonds and precious jewels, guarded by giant, half naked Nubian's with shaved heads and handling huge Scimitars. The colorful Bible comic's I read shaped my sense of reality and those images are still with me to this day. They of course have nothing to do with reality. Reality is an old copper mine. We all know how powerful a tool propaganda can be when dealing with children and teenagers. As the Jesuits are fond of saying "Give me the child and I will give you the adult". I believe this is one of the reason that religious folks want "Creationism" and it's stillborn twin "Intelligent Design" taught in our public schools next to or in place of science. They want religious control over children's minds. They could teach their children Creationism in their own homes, private schools and churches but that it seems is not enough. They want control over other peoples children as well. Some of these people love to rant about Christ being taken out of Christmas and how the secular humanist atheists have declared war on Christians. What right do these horrible people have to do such things they scream. Yet they think they have the right to proselytize to other people's children in our public schools? Personally....I have no problem with Christmas being a religious holiday. I always say "Merry Christmas" and never "Happy holidays" or "Merry Xmas". I even go to Midnight mass once in a while as I love the ceremony and the singing. Christmas and Easter are traditional Christian holidays and I respect them as such even though I am an atheist. Public schools are for education and not for proselytizing or the spreading of religious propaganda. Why can't these people give our public schools and their traditions the same respect?} |
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One thing I notice.... we are discussing one of the most volatile subjects imaginable.... and doing so politely. I think this has a lot to do with it..... I believe old and new Gunny.... and no I don't attempt to push my beliefs onto anyone.... If there were an occasion when someone attempted to put me down because of my beleifs, you can bet I can get nasty, and there are witnesses in this group that can testify to that. I can't see why we can express and discuss opposing views with respect. driver, several years to overcome religious brainwashing, what has that got to do with faith in a creator, religion is the word of man, that is all man can know. jerry Faith in what "creator"? Religion is an invention of man. Your religion believes in a "creator" when the is no evidence of one. If you believe in a "creator", that's fine, but, when you say it's true a "creator" exists, that's brainwashing. |
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This message has been deleted by the author. |
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driver, several years to overcome religious brainwashing, what has that got to do with faith in a creator,......? Jerry- Ever heard of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM)?. He was "created" for just his kind of discussion...... You believe in a "creator-god", and someone else believes in the FSM. You believe you are correct in your beliefs, and the other person is wrong. Why do you believe you're right and the other wrong when there is equal evidence of each? How can you be right? Based on what "proof"? (in keeping with the spirit of the thread....) Why do you believe the Judeo-Christian creation story is valid? What evidence can you present that would give it any credibility? The ususal argument goes something like this... "The beauty and complexity of the universe can not be random chance and their must be an intelligent creator....", or something like that. Basically all that is, is a very weak hypothesis at best, and nothing to 'hang your hat on', so-to-speak. There isn't even enough to it to even postulate a theory because you can't test it. At least with Evolution Theory (ET) there is physical evidence and it can be tested, which makes ET a very solid scientific theory. In order for me to have faith in your "creator-god" I'd have to give equal consideration for every other "god" and creation myth, and I don't have the energy for that. |
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If you believe in one you might as well believe in them all as they are all the same. Gods, devils, demons, witches, warlocks, vampires, werewolves, fairies, santa, the invisible man, the tooth fairy, superman, George W Bush....... |
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Hmm.... Rose- As much as you might like to make the equation....... There is proof of the existence of George W. Bush. |
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........and Santa is on the "short list".... |
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I'll admit that I'm disappointed no one else reponded in this thread..... I am bored to tears with politics!  |
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Recently gunny? Have you lost all your teeth again?  |
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i expected ridicule no big deal. jerry |
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i expected ridicule no big deal. jerry I responded to your post without ridicule, Jerry. |
 | | From:  xgunny® | Sent: 11/2/2008 9:25 AM |
Have you lost all your teeth again? Ok. I don't get mad Rose, but I do get even! |
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This just in....... Obama plans to tax all income from the tooth fairy...... |
 | | From:  xgunny® | Sent: 11/2/2008 10:20 AM |
I'm like Alaska on that one. I got mine, now you get yours. |