 | | From: Noserose (Original Message) | Sent: 10/29/2008 2:00 PM |
Alarming Sex Assault Rate Found Among Vets Records Show 1 In 7 Female Iraq And Afghanistan Veterans Treated By The VA Suffered Sexual Trauma For a soldier, the wounds of war can be felt long after a tour of duty ends and not all of them are inflicted by the enemy. Tuesday, researchers reported that an alarming number of female soldiers have sought treatment for sexual assault committed by fellow soldiers.
A Veterans Administration study found that one in seven female veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan seeking medical care from the VA suffered sexual trauma - everything from harassment to rape.
Medical records of 125,000 war veterans, both men and women, showed 15 percent reported sexual trauma. That works out to nearly 2,600 veterans, almost all women.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg, since the study covered only a fraction of the 870,000 veterans who have fought - and none still on active duty.
"I do feel that it is much higher than that, and if they could get the records of all the women that have returned that had been sexually assaulted, those afraid to come in, they would find that it's a lot higher," said Wanda Story.
Story, who was raped twice during her military service 20 years ago, now heads the United Female Veterans of America.
She says the military has done a lot to improve the climate for women, but war makes it worse.
"They're out there, they're away from their families, they're away from their girlfriends, you know, their wives," she said. "They see an opportunity."
A recent survey by the Government Accountability Office of just 13 military bases found 103 servicemembers who say they've been sexually assaulted in the previous 12 months. Numbers like that produced this jaw-dropping statement by Rep. Jane Harman, D-Calif.:
"Women serving in the military today are more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than to be killed by enemy fire in Iraq," Harman said.
And women who suffer sexual trauma are more likely to develop medical and mental problems. Studies show it ranks high - or higher - than combat as a cause of post-traumatic stress disorder. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/10/28/eveningnews/main4554665.shtml?tag=cbsBroadcasts;cbsBroadcastsContent >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> { I can just hear someone saying " Well......what do they expect? Women shouldn't be in the military anyway". Honor, duty and country is important to the members of the military so why do these high virtues seem to go out the window when female troops are involved? A woman joins the military to serve her country and gets raped by her fellow soldiers for it?? Not only do they have to worry about the enemy but they have to keep a wary eye on their fellow soldiers? This is an intolerable situation! Many cases of rape or sexual harassment in the civilian world go unreported out of fear or shame and there's no reason to believe the military is any different. These women are risking their lives for their country and deserve better than what they are getting. The Marines brag they break a man down in boot camp and rebuild him into a marine. Well some of these men need more "rebuilding" and prison is the place to start. What do you think?? |
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by the way rose, coming from a non insider what would you know about waht the oldtimers on these board know, you couldnt be trusted anyway you suck too much ass. jerry |
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You know Jerry, women in the military expect some sort of assault from the enemy, even possibly death.....but you are saying they should expect it from their fellow soldiers too, that that is just the way it is, love it (sexual assaults) or leave it? |
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no get out of line units you get it of course not, you cant get it because you are so caught up with your fucking equality stupidity you cant get it. jerry |
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You're a nutcase jerry. Everybody knows it. Remember the board you created and the date you said you were going to inform the whole world of all the people who were trying to destroy all the boards jerry?? Then you disappeared. Probably grabbed up and put back in the funny farm! You may be the nuttiest guy these boards have ever produced! |
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what is the point of your attacks rose, does it have one other that the fact that as i stated and many know you are a neurotic bitch. jerry |
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Maybe you shouldn't attack me and you wouldn't be getting it back....ever think of that asshole? What was the first thing you said to me on this board jerry? You should know by now that if you mess with me I don't lie down and roll up into a ball. I come out fighting!  |
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yeah im scared shitless rose, go fuck yourself. jerry |
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Ahhh....come on crazy jerry....answer my question? "Remember the board you created and the date you said you were going to inform the whole world of all the people who were trying to destroy all the boards jerry?? Then you disappeared. Probably grabbed up and put back in the funny farm! You may be the nuttiest guy these boards have ever produced!" |
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Crazy, lying old bastard! |
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The one thing that has been scientifically proven true... People's behaviour can be modified. What I mean by that is Rape rates are not "Static" through out the world, many places have far lower rape rates then others. People just do not decide one day to rape a women. That takes years of programming through the media, education, churches and our culture to create a rapist. What it also takes is complacency from the leadership, when a commander ignores the minor sexual harassment and sexual assaults (like touch a woman's behind) the behaviour always escalate into Rape. That is what is going on in the US Military and it is 99% preventable. What has happened here has nothing to do with the war... it has to do with attitudes and people failing to stand up and do some thing when "Evil" raises it's ugly head. Shame on America. |
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This message has been deleted by the author. |
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what do you want to know rose, what is it you want to know? jerry |
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So what happened jerry? What happen to the list of people who were conspiring to shut all the boards down? You screamed about little else for months then just disappeared? What the hell happened? |
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rose the people that know what hppened are all around you , you are friends with them time and time again, tell ya what ill give you this only, theres someone in this forum that knows who was a part of it, i have never discussed it with that person but i did with someone who got nailed when that person did and both have proof, thats all you are getting rose, ever. jerry |