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This is a good argument for the Conservatives and Libertarians that Argued against the War on Iraq, or liberals getting that last stab in. I am going to say George Bush, Why??? Well the war on Iraq has cost about a trillion and our deficit is about a trillion. If we had a balanced budget; we wouldn't of had the Credit Crunch, the economy would be booming. The extra troops in Afghanistan would have pushed both the Taliban and Al Qaeda into irrelevance and might have already of jailed or tagged OBL. In short George's only mistake was invading Iraq. One mistake, is not too bad for a pressident I would say. |
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America's Greatest President???
We haven't had him yet.....but we are about to! |
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America's Greatest President???
We haven't had him yet.....but we are about to! | Karen- Please take the advice of your fellow Liberal, Summer, and.... "get real!!" At the very least John McCain will be slightly better than Jimmy Carter, who will go down in history as, "America's Worst President"... to date. Obama is so stupid , he wants to do the same as Jimmy Carter..... DUH! How stupid do YOU have to be? |
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Driver - did you actually live through st. ronnie and nancy(let them eat cake) antoinette as an adult? I did. He stunk. No he didn't defeat the Soviet Union- the pope and Lech Valenca did. I bought a house @ the time and in the 2 weeks it took to close my interest rate went up 2% to 15%. He was run by the nancy person who was run by her astrologer. Not only that, he had alzheimer's way before he left office. He was an actor who could read his lines and smile on cue. Best president- I think not. Not having lived through Washington etc and only knowing what I read in the history books I cannot say that any of them wa the best. My experience as an adult make me say William Jefferson Clinton. We prosperity and peace. Wish I could go back to that time. |
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Bullshit, Ransom.... I started a business using a home equity mortgage during the Carter regime at 21%, and refied under Reagan at 14....... Eat your own shit. |
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I wonder why you would feel that it was neccessary to be so nasty Driver- except that you are a con and apparently you have no actual brain. I notice no answer to the Alzheimer's or the astrologer- LOL a rude imbecile. |
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I wonder why you would feel that it was neccessary to be so nasty Driver- Why don't you stop whining? |
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LOL- You are too much. No actual facts- just nasty opinions. Waste of time and space. Go ahead and worship @ the st ronnie fest. Enjoy yourself driver. Notice I didn't call you a liar but you called me one. Amazing how you feel free to say whatever you damn well please about anyone . You have a great day and a wonderful life. God bless you anyway . |
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Ronald Wilson Reagan if you like brain-dead puppets of the elite, bush has got to be a close 2nd and youve got to be cheering for palin ... |
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LOL- You are too much. No actual facts- just nasty opinions. Where is the Berlin Wall now? |
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I'm gonna go with Jefferson; 1) because he didn't do a hell of a lot wrong as president, and 2) because he did a hell of a lot right throughout the founding era. His ideas on government--its purpose, the requirements for its legitimacy, the limits on its authorities; the notion of republicanism as opposed to the sort of federalism advocated by those such as Hamilton--were eventually defeated, but he was a strong advocate for damned near three generations. His presidency itself was pretty damned solid, but the sum of his period of statesmanship sets him aside as one of the few from the era deserving similar esteem as that often reserved for America's greatest NON-president--Franklin. |
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Bullshit, Ransom.... I started a business using a home equity mortgage during the Carter regime at 21%, and refied under Reagan at 14....... Eat your own shit. | |
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I say again, I say again... Jimmy Carter and George Bush pushed the same economic policy of a "Weak Dollar" and those are the two presidencies with the highest energy prices. Both of them were Evangelicals and viewed the world through a "Gnostic" mind set. Ronald Regan and Bill Clinton in fact had the two closest economic policies based on Hayek's economic model as apposed to the Keynesian approach of Jimmy and George. Whether Obama is a good president or not, it depends less on the party and more on the economic model that he uses. In looking at just the level of growth and momentum of peace and prosperity during a administration; absolutely, positively Eisenhower was with out a doubt the greatest President. Furthermore he was the first President to openly combat Apartheid in the US and every civil rights leader credits the time in which he was in office as the start of the civil rights movement. Furthermore he was the one that began the push of the US towards a Technocratic Society, via massively expanding our educational system. Finally as mentioned before he created our Interstate Highway System which is the foundation of Modern American economy. |
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2nd son who are you calling a liar? Me or Driver? i watched st ronniie's inaguration with the Dean of my school of nursing. She was a retired from the military RN and very patriotic and her prediction was that ronnie was the beinning of the end for the US. That was in Jan. I graduated in June- passed my boards and bought my house in July and that is when the interest rate- very very high to begin with went up 2 points in the 2 weeks until it closed. I do not lie. Why would I care enough about theae boards to do that? |
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How about not Johnson. I would say Jefferson since he did have the country in mind. His perspective on government is what this country was, and still should be based on. He was a president that was way ahead of his time. |
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Ransomed, That would be my idiot cousin that I'm refering to. |