 | | From:  Pukedragon (Original Message) | Sent: 10/30/2008 10:57 PM |
Indian Thriller this is halloween ghost busters trick r' treat the original skeleton dance monster mash |
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Why the expression, " Happy Halloween"...?  Isn't Halloween supposed to be scary?  |
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My daughter's pumpkin, she carved this year. No pattern, she did it herself. |
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 | | From: codify | Sent: 10/31/2008 3:30 AM |
Truely SCAREY Karen. But have to hand it to your daughter, that is talent! |
 | 0 recommendations | Message 9 of 18 in Discussion |
This message has been deleted by the author. |
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So, how many people are going to go off to work in costume tomorrow. Which seems to be the in thing these days. Once again, I'll go dressed as a middle-aged, slightly overweight, balding, accountant. And see how many people can guess who I am. |
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So, how many people are going to go off to work in costume tomorrow. I'll be dressed as an over-worked/under-paid truck driver. (but I ususally dress like that everyday....) |
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Hmmmm, nope, no one I know dressing up in costume......other than children trick-or-treating tomorrow night or adults going to Halloween parties. I don't know of ANY companies encouraging costumes. |
 | | From:  xgunny® | Sent: 10/31/2008 9:18 AM |
I've been known to tie a ribbon around my pecker on Halloween. It's my wife's birthday and our wedding anniversary. |
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Maybe she is laughing becouse it is looking down shamefully, not rising its head proudly :-D:.D Here Halloween has just caught on the last few years ( since 2000 ) , and it is not such a big thing yet , not as many pumpkins here as over there , but the children love the "trick or treat" part   |
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why is Obama stabbing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? |
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Is that the hammer or the sickle he's holding? |