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Obama's New Attack on Those Who Don't Want Higher Taxes: ‘Selfishness�?/FONT> October 31, 2008 10:58 AM On the stump this week, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., has pushed back against Sen. John McCain's description of his tax policies. "The reason that we want to do this, change our tax code, is not because I have anything against the rich," Obama said in Sarasota, Florida, yesterday. "I love rich people! I want all of you to be rich. Go for it. That’s the America dream, that’s the American way, that’s terrific. "The point is, though, that -- and it’s not just charity, it’s not just that I want to help the middle class and working people who are trying to get in the middle class -- it’s that when we actually make sure that everybody’s got a shot �?when young people can all go to college, when everybody’s got decent health care, when everybody’s got a little more money at the end of the month �?then guess what? Everybody starts spending that money, they decide maybe I can afford a new car, maybe I can afford a computer for my child. They can buy the products and services that businesses are selling and everybody is better off. All boats rise. That’s what happened in the 1990s, that’s what we need to restore. And that’s what I’m gonna do as president of the United States of America. "John McCain and Sarah Palin they call this socialistic," Obama continued. "You know I don’t know when, when they decided they wanted to make a virtue out of selfishness." It's unclear if this was a nod to the Ayn Rand book "The Virtue of Selfishness," with all that the invocation of Rand implies. It would seem to be, given the themes of Rand's work, what happens when independent achievers are demonized. Which would fit with this description of those who want to keep their hard-earned tax dollars as "selfish." Atlas may not be shrugging, but Obama is. We are starting to see this man for whom he really is....just another, unremarkable "spread the wealth" socialist |
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driver ... ... even if you didnt vote for your elected official, you are still responsible for them because they represent you ... go complain to them until they change their ways ... its your right and your obligation ... |
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... even if you didnt vote for your elected official, you are still responsible for them because they represent you ... No, that is ass-backward thinking. I didn't vote for them, and it's obvious they do not represent me. Liberals will tell lies to get elected, and then serve their own special interests, and even a blind man can see it. |
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so you didnt vote for them, that absolves you of any responsibility for their actions? ... they can do whatever they want? ... did you ever think that this may be the reason that they get away with what they do, because they know that you wont hold them accountable? i got news for you ... conservatives and moderates are master liars as well ... |
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even if you didnt vote for your elected official, you are still responsible for them because they represent you Right. Now we are even held responsible for the actions of someone we have no authority over? Welcome to bubu's liberal la-la land.  |
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Now we are even held responsible for the actions of someone we have no authority over? now thats ass-backwards thinking ... youre the voter ... they work for you ... |
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so you didnt vote for them, that absolves you of any responsibility for their actions? ... Well, let's see..... I didn't vote for them......... Yes, I'd say that "absolves" me from any of their actions. |
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Ok. Someone is elected that I did not vote for. They pass a law I don't like. Tell me what I can do to stop them |
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I think I know what bubu is getting at..... We just assassinate the elected officials and start over......... That might work someplace else, but we don't so that here. |
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if youve been a voter, you helped to created it and were responsible for your elected officials That is not actually possible, bubu. I was not alive when the seeds of todays monstrocity were sown by the likes of woodrow wilson & fdr and a host of others. In point of fact, even were I, myself, elected to the presidency or into congress, I could not kill the beast. The bulk of federal spending is on entitlements which have been made manditory... meaning they are not considered part of the budget and are paid out automatically. At the very best, I could curb somewhat discressionary spending but that is unlikely to happen as currently it seems most americans are under the delusion that the federal government is the answer to every problem in the world when, in fact, it's generally the cause of every problem in the world. |
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use a telephone ... call them, get friends, family and associates to call them ... write editorials to newspapers ... get friends, family and associates to write ... complain, bitch, whine but keep talking ... christ, is the NE the only place that knows how citizens can affect how their govt works? olympia snowe was one of the few gop senators who voted against clintons impeachment ... a major reason why was because she was inundated with calls from her constituents who called the gop on their BS ... maybe things are different in your states and you elect supreme rulers ... here, they answer to us ... |
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Been there, done that. It is not possible. The monster cannot be stopped. |
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well then, theres nothing left for you to do but crawl in a hole ... |
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I have. I've minimised my exposure to inflation or hyper-inflation and resigned myself to sheltering in a government suck job until whatever happens, happens. Neither you nor I nor our elected representatives have any control whatsoever over the federal government. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. |
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And we should listen to Biden why? Besides, after you factor in the effect of eliminating the Bush tax cuts almost everyone will pay higher taxes. Not just those making more than $250K $200K $150K whatever Obama decides the answer is today. |
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