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you complain about my sources and you use the Drudge report? Get real. |
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Summer- Republicans usually trail in the media polls before they win. Perhaps you should, ... "get real"? |
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congrats, dc3.
i really think you're horse is gonna pull out and win by a nose and save us from the evil obama. |
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i really think you're horse is gonna pull out and win by a nose and save us from the evil obama. Yeah... well..... Who's gonna save us from John McCain? I'll be voting for John McCain, and I believe he will win...... ..... so, why do I believe that, even if McCain wins, I've still lost?  |
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And DC is telling a fib and so is Drudge..perhaps he should have waited... Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby Poll: Obama 50.1%, McCain 43.1% Race stuck in neutral Released: 10-31-2008 Next Release: 11-01-08, 1:00AM UTICA, New York�?STRONG>The race for President appeared to slip into neutral Thursday, as support for Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain moved only slightly in the last 24 hours, the latest Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby daily tracking telephone poll shows. Part of one day’s worth of polling came after Obama’s 30-minute televised campaign pitch to voters on Wednesday, but voters didn’t seem to react one way or the other. The contest remained static with Obama garnering 50.1% support, compared to McCain’s 43.1%. Undecideds or those who support other candidates increased slightly to 6.8% of the sample. Even in the demographic subgroups, the race changed almost not at all. Including Election Day, there are five days left in the race. |
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Hey Thomas...where did you run off to? didn´t your mother tell you not to read hack sites that don´t know what they are talking about? Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby Poll: Is McCain Making a Move? Obama 49.1%, McCain 44.1% Released: 11-01-2008 Next Release: 11-02-08, 1:00AM UTICA, New York -- Republican John McCain made a small gain against Democrat Barack Obama and has pulled back within the margin of error, now trailing Obama by five points, 49.1% to 44.1%, the latest Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby daily tracking telephone poll shows. Almost two days worth of the polling -- or about half of the current sample in the three-day rolling poll of likely voters nationwide, was conducted after Obama's 30-minute commercial aired Wednesday evening. There is no evidence it helped him, as he has dropped 1.1 points in the last two days, while McCain has gained 0.8 points during the same period. |
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Summer: I never lie. I leave that up to you liberals. |
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You may not lie DC, but the people that you depend on information from are pathological Bush statisticians. Here is the whole story from Zogby's web site. Released: November 01, 2008 Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby Poll: Is McCain Making a Move? Obama 49.1%, McCain 44.1% UTICA, New York—Republican John McCain made a small gain against Democrat Barack Obama and has pulled back within the margin of error, now trailing Obama by five points, 49.1% to 44.1%, the latest Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby daily tracking telephone poll shows. Almost two days worth of the polling—or about half of the current sample in the three-day rolling poll of likely voters nationwide, was conducted after Obama's 30-minute commercial aired Wednesday evening. There is no evidence it helped him, as he has dropped 1.1 points in the last two days, while McCain has gained 0.8 points during the same period. Pollster John Zogby: "Is McCain making a move? The three-day average holds steady, but McCain outpolled Obama today, 48% to 47%. He is beginning to cut into Obama's lead among independents, is now leading among blue collar voters, has strengthened his lead among investors and among men, and is walloping Obama among NASCAR voters. Joe the Plumber may get his license after all. "Obama's lead among women declined, and it looks like it is occurring because McCain is solidifying the support of conservative women, which is something we saw last time McCain picked up in the polls. If McCain has a good day tomorrow, we will eliminate Obama's good day three days ago, and we could really see some tightening in this rolling average. But for now, hold on." Week Four Three-Day Tracking Poll | 10-31 | 10-30 | 10-29 | 10-28 | 10-27 | Obama | 49.1% | 50.1% | 50.2% | 49.1% | 49.0% | McCain | 44.1% | 43.1% | 43.3% | 44.4% | 44.7% | Others/Not sure | 6.8% | 6.8% | 6.5% | 6.5% | 6.3% | Let me explain why this is such a dishonest report... Once again no one pollster polls the entire nation at a time. Usualy they poll five states a day and then work out the national average based on that. I repeat... I repeat... I repeat... Obama still has a very comfortable lead, but John has gained slightly in the polls in the last few day.  |
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# Are you really that foolish??? |
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