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i had just this morn finished walking my dobie, and i put her in the yard, i then went to move my car, halloween was busy here it always is and i lost my spot last evening, and it was empty so i went to move it. when i got out of the car i locked it and turned to go into the yard. i took notice to a young lady, i see her almost everyday cutting thru to a patch of woods thats a shortcut to the regional rail line. as she entered the wood, i sw a white ford ranger fly up and stop, he was watching her, and he began to drive toward the wood, it is open lot for about 100 yards, something just didnt sit right with me so i ran down there, i had my pocket 380 on me and when he saw me he did a uturn and tore out of there so fast i couoldnt get the license no. i had seen and said hello to the young lady on occasion while walking my dog, and i jumped into my car and raced to the station, and i discreetly sat in my car until her train came and she boarded. jerry |
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Perhaps you better tell someone what you saw lest you be the one the young lady says is following her. She really needs to be warned about this anyway Jerry. |
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Yes. You should notify law enforcement immediately so they can be looking for the truck and driver (and so you will not be a suspect yourself). |
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i'm guessing a pocket 380 isn't a camera. |
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well i did call philly pd, and i will talk to her next time i see her, we have exchanged good mornings afew times. your right clicker my keltec 380 is not a camera. jerry |
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hi yakker, the keltec has a much less apparent profile, and with a pocket holster is virtually undetectable, yeah its pretty reliable, i found hornadys ammo both the most reliable and accurate, the recoil on the keltec is more apparent than the feg however. jerry |
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this is all very interesting you know the other day, a group of flying saucers landed in my backyard and held me at gunpoint as they attempted to syphon gas out of my car. luckily i was able to do a midair summersault and grab my combat shotgun out of midair in another dimension where i had left it. i killed all the aliens and blew up their saucers with my special C5 (25% more effective than C4). there is no evidence of any of this however, as the aliens and saucers dissolve upon contact with death. |
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thanks for sharing dragon, you are my hero. jerry |
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