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17 Nov 2008 ..........But any punishment which causes visible bruising, grazes, scratches, minor swellings or cuts can result in a prosecution for assault occasioning actual bodily harm, or more serious charges. The measures were passed in the Children Act 2004, which removed the defence of 'reasonable chastisement' to any charge of actual bodily harm or worse..................... |
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But any punishment which causes visible bruising, grazes, scratches, minor swellings or cuts can result in a prosecution for assault occasioning actual bodily harm, or more serious charges. In my opinion, if a kid is not under control by the time they're 8 or so, it's too late. It's a good bet they really will go feral. |
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Yes indeed Alaska, the Jesuits had a saying, 'give us the boy, and we will give you the man.' I brought up my kids to respect their elders, say please and thankyou, and to express themselves in English, not grunts,(They did try as teenagers to converse that way, but it is amazing how good a tool well placed deafness is!!) and to treat others in the way they would expect to be treated themselves. If they stepped out of line, I very rarely had to punish them physically, but they knew all too well that the sanction was there. My favourite sanction was to empty their room of all electronic entertainment ( in those days it was the TV and the record player....) and let them stew, or read....their choice. OAjnr, at 4and1/2, has yet to learn how to annoy me big time, but he knows that if I lay down the law, that is that, and big bro and big sis have told him not to mess with Dad, or the X-box will be in the trash before he can say Transformers!!!!!  |
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When my daughter was 5, I came home from work one morning stepped on a toy and turned my ankle. Gathered up every toy that wasn't put away, bagged them and was about to throw them in the trash when I thought, "Crap, I paid for all this stuff". So, I put it in the shed. Each day she had her room clean (reasonably, for a 5 y/o) she would get a toy back. Only ever had to spank her 3 times; lying, playing with fire in the house, and lying again. One tap on the face when she mouthed off at her mom. I did note that the last spanking I had to give her (age 8), I had to use a good deal more force to achieve the desired effect. Physical punishment becomes much more problematic as they get bigger... I don't think it works so, during the occasional episode of pushing too much, we were using other things; no TV, electronics, grounding... and, saved for the very, very worst of offenses; the door comes off. Literally... I took the door off her room for a week. Told her that if we couldn't trust her out of our sight then she wouldn't be out of our sight. Worked. She's a good kid. |
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Girls in the US are 50 to 100 times more likely to have a STD in the US then any where in the Western World. Certainly there will be times that are a little up and a little down in every nation; but do not worry about it, because Britain hasn't even come close to the cultural break down in America. |
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I don't believe in smacking children around. All it teaches them is that it's alright to smack someone smaller than you. Discipline is something that parents should start when children are very young. Children want to please their parents but we don't react to it as strong as we should. If they see that we are happy and proud of them when they do good then they will know when we are not happy with them and without getting smacked. I was never hit by my parents and my children have never been spanked or slapped and they are turning out very well. Hitting children shows a lack of ideas in my opinion. It's the lazy way out of a problem. |
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No Rose, smacking is,as a responsible parent, the very last option. I think you will find that most good parents will be able to count on one hand the number of times they had to smack a child. IMHO, a red ass is a damn site better than twenty years of skin grafts ( as in Alaska's example)' |
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Well......I was never hit as a child and I turned out perfect as we can all see!  |
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I have three kids Rose, and combined, hit them maybe a dozen times, as in Alaska's daughter, for playing with fire, telling lies, and on one occasion, theft. Both elder kids are now fairly ( given genetics  ) stable and well rounded, and OAjnr is the joy of my life and my inspiration to live to 100!!! ( Although he is so philisophical it is frightening at times....even Hayekian would be troubled!!!  ) As for your perfection Rose....well...not only are you openly humble, but modest too...  |
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We killed, and ate the children. Didn't want catty starting a thread about us. |
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I hear they taste like chicken.  |
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We should have let them grow a little more. It was BBQ season though. |
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you have to be careful...most of them are choc full of additives!!  |
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no, noserose for it is the chicken which tastes like children. |