 | | From:  Dunjuz_Wrong (Original Message) | Sent: 11/22/2008 4:21 AM |
1) Local government shall make available to qualified American veterans select residentail properties from a list of property abandoned to the state. 2) Also banks, as part of their bail-out condition, shall agree to forfeit a minimum percent of repossessed residential property. 3) Veteran will agree to improve and occupy said property. All repairs and improvemnents shall meet local code requirements. Any improvements deemed neccesary to make the property fit for occupancy beyond the abilities of the veteran shall become a lien/loan on the property which will be repaid to the government at which time the veteran sells or in any other manner transfers ownership of the property to another. 4) Veteran will agree to pay all property taxes after the first full year of occupancy and for each year hereafter. 5) Veteran shall be eligible to apply for full title to property after revue and 5 years of continuous occupancy 6) Any property deemed to be used for any type of criminal or unlawful enterprize by the veteran or any other person shall be immediately forfeited. Obviously this won't make everybody happy but, it's a growing problem and here is my version of a solution. |
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Donald Trump likes to brag about how he started out with absolutely nothing, except an education from one of the finest schools in America, a line of credit 8 miles long, and every business connection his Daddy ever introduced him to but, he really puts most of his emphasise on the nothing part and people like him will never get how a person can become homeless... Nobody sets out to be a homeless person. Life beats you down. You get tired of beating your face against a wall after awhile. You get tired of paying the frikken bank $70 every time you find yourself overdrawn $1.50 |
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Donald Trump is one thing..... Your point? |
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My point is that in Donald Trumps mind the concept of homeless doesn't exist. He has far too many resources for it to ever become a reality, resources that he inherited and earned, (and don't get me wrong, I have alot of respect for the man) but generally folks like him have a real difficult time understanding how a person could let himself become a drug addict, for example, or become homeless. I mean, it's all about hard work right? work more hours. take out a loan. get yourself one of them small business grants. Those are easy. You just call them up right. |
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Donald Trump never served in the Undited States Armed Forces to my knowledge. |
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Good! Then I'm sure he would agree that a homeless vet is a terrible thing to ignore. |
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No one is ignoring US veterans who choose to be homeless. |
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Really? I thought that was Edwards whole platform. The growing homeless veteran problem. |
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This message has been deleted by the author. |
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Both were Senators. Edwards was a rich fool who thought he could fool everyone else. The only differnce between Edwards and Obama is... Obama was a Black lawyer, and Edwards was rich white one. |
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....Hillary, a rich, white female lawyer........ Is there any member of the DNC that is not a rich lawyer? |
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I'm a vet, but not homeless. Why don't I get a house? Was the homeless vet's service more honorable or important than mine by virtue of his homelessness? See what a slippery slope it is when you go all socialist? |
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But if you're a vet you do get a home. You just have to be willing to accept one from the available list, do the neccessary repairs, pay the property taxes for the next five years, and agree to occupy your home until you recieve title. |
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I don't get it. Millions of poor people in America collect welfare, receive food stamps, and live basically rent free in section 8 housing, and all they need to qualify is to be too ignorant to use protection when they fuck, yet giving a few veterans, that have actually put their lives on the line for our freedom, a shot at owning something they would probably not have another reasonable chance at is turning us all into socialists.  |
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Right now there is one (1) path to home ownership in this country. You go to a bank and, if you qualify, mortgage the next thirty years of your life in interest payments to, you guessed it, the bank. If you'd like my opinion of how the banking industry handles this massive responsibilty, look at the repossesion rates for last year. Yet on the one side there are thousands of vacant dwellings in the cities and rural parts of America rotting back to nature because they weren't worth the taxes owed on them, and on the other side we've got thousands of unqualified (at least according to the bank) veterans living in cardboard boxes, cheap hotels, and where ever else they can find, apparently because it's a lot more important to punish their irresponsibilty than to give them an actual hand up. I guess that's the kind of thinking that makes us so superior. Viva capitalism. |
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I own several homes and I have never once, taken out a 30 year mortgage. All those folks that have homes that have lost value to the point that they owe more on their mortgage than the house is worth are a good example of why. I am preparing to buy the commercial property that my business occupies. It will be paid off in 5 years. If you cannot afford it, just don't buy it. I went through decades of life without owning any real estate. Owning a home is no guarantee that you will never have financial troubles, especially if that home comes with a 30 year albatross around your neck. |