 | | From:  Clicker- (Original Message) | Sent: 11/24/2008 5:38 AM |
OK, i'm really annoyed at the commentators on MSNBC for making a big deal about Palin being photographed at a turkey slaughtering business while turkeys were slaughtered.
This is what the meat industry is, and what offends me is that city dwellers think meat comes from the local Safeway/Jewel and get all outraged that Palin would support a turkey slaughtering business during thanksgiving.
I was especially disappointed in seeing Rachel Maddow jump on the pissing on Palin for being photographed in front of a slaughtered turkey bandwagen.
I know what most americans are eating for thanksgiving, and turkey slaughtering is a integral part of it. I was a vegetarian for many years, and still prefer to avoid meat. But never would I object to the humane slaughter of animals for food consumption. And in my mind, I think it is good to show the slaughter of food animals on television so that the american consumer can judge the practice for themselves if they so choose.
I think it is honest and admirable for Palin to support a local turkey merchant for producing goods which people want, and doing so openly. |
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I still believe that Obama will go down in US history as the first US President elected by the media. |
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yeah, driver,
the media has never used their pulpit to pick sides before in the history of our great nation. |
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yeah, driver,
the media has never used their pulpit to pick sides before. |
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did you forget to delete one of your posts, Clicker? |
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yeah, driver,
the media has never used their pulpit to pick sides before. Thank you for your acknowledgement that the main-stream media is politcally biased. Not like anyone needed your personal endorsement. |
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I think it is good to show the slaughter of food animals on television so that the american consumer can judge the practice for themselves if they so choose. id approach sesame street ... the muppets could make it educational and fun ... |
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I said that they were "doing well until" - obviously they were not doing so well after the banking meltdown!  (And if McCain could not exploit the meltdown to his own advantage I seriously doubt that he really understood the issue 3 years earlier but was merely mouthing what an advisor told him). |
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CW- Regardless if he understood it (which I believe he did) or not, the operative idea is.... he didn't use it to his advantage, hence, a piss-poor campaign. Even if he was just repeating what his handlers were feeding him, maybe his handlers dropped the ball. Either way, it was his election to lose anad I doubt they could have done a better job of putting together a lousy campaign strategy. |
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Driver: How many losers ran the next time around and won? Nixon, Ronald Regan, Bush II... |
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Pretty much every darn Republican in History. |
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Get used to Sarah... like it or not, she is going to be around a very long time.   Do you really want to be looking at Huckeby on the news every night. Neither does MSN. |
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Oh come on, Clicker ! The video was in POOR taste. And what kind of moron would agree to be interviewed in front of a turkey slaughtering business ? Oops... I know the answer to that one already ! |
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Although I prefer not to be watching the operations of a slaughterhouse whilst munching into a chicken sandwich - just what is the big deal about a non-story? |
 | | From:  rnrbill | Sent: 11/26/2008 6:40 PM |
Driver: According to the polls, the bounce Miss Piggy gave Mctime was the bounce out of the WH. The polls, speaking with Mctime supporters who eventually voted for Obama, gave the single most important reason for voting for Obama as Miss Piggy. They may just want to keep her in the forefront for the next time around just in case Obama does a really decent job. Won't be hard to do better that Dumbya but if he does better than expected, Miss Piggy will once again be run into the slaughter house. The Repubs really feel they have a future want Jindal and possibly Romney, the long term favorite being Jindal, but IMO will not chance ruining their reputations by either of them being branded a loser in '12 any more than they wanted either of them branded as a loser this past election. I stated from the giddy-up that as long as the Repubs thought they'd LOSE this election, they would NEVER damage the image of their big guns and they'd run a nobody as VP. Palin was a nobody. No one I know or heard on the news or interview shows expected Mctime to accept a second term. They coulnd't afford to have Romney or Jindal on the losing ticket. MOF Jindal is already on the guest speaker circuit. Jindal is only 37 years old. Think about it. In 2016 he'll be 45 and in 2024 he'll be 53. They have a 16 year future with him and that begins 8 years from now |
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I found the video to be a refreshingly honest portrayal of what needs to happen in order for us to celebrate thanksgiving the way that most americans do. I found nothing objectionable in her choice to be interviewed at a local turkey slaughtering business.
I thought it was a perfectly appropriate setting for an interview. |