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Hallelujah Brother, I come to comfort the sick, aid the sinner and bring the stray lamb back to the flock. And for a minimum donation of $25 you will receive a free sex toy! |
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"......and bring the stray lamb back to the flock. And for a minimum donation of $25 you will receive a free sex toy!....' I think you're missing the point, Pete...... No one mentioned having sex with sheep! |
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Leave the sheep out of this! |
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Hey....It's the return of the Masked Shepherd! How are you....oh masked one?  |
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The church, and miracles. That's what we would have here if I got my wife to have sex 7 days in a row. A miracle!! |
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The church, and miracles. That's what we would have here if I got my wife to have sex 7 days in a row. A miracle!! That's how you can tell when you are getting old Bob sorry wrong thread  |
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Old people shouldn't be having sex anyway. Some things are better done when you're young.  |
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Sorry, Rosie but if Ann Margret sauntered up to me and said, how about a roll in the hay, honey... I'm rollin. Age is a state of mind. |
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Ann-Margret? She's currently 67 years old. "Age is a state of mind". Yeah, if you're senile!  |
 | | From:  xgunny® | Sent: 11/26/2008 8:03 AM |
Some things are better done when you're young And some things are done better when you're old, Miss Smarty Pants. |
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Gosh........next thing you will be telling me is my parents are still having sex.  |
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Gosh........next thing you will be telling me is my parents are still having sex.  Yup they are. |
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Just how old are you Rose? I am 37...I think it hit me when I realized that all but my baby had already outgrown me...I have to stand on a chair too get in the face of my oldest and talk serious with him...He is 6´2....I am in trouble. |