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- "Texted" is NOT a word! As in Jenny texted me. Text itself is a NOUN, so there is no past tense of it and jenny can't "text" you, she certainly can send/sent a text message to you.
- Stop complaining about how much fuel or gas Al Gore uses in his vehicles/planes as if it proves he doesn't do what he says on environmental issues. The point is not how much fuel his plane uses or how much carbon it emits, the point is that HE HAS NO CHOICE if he wants to go to places and speak, moreover niether do we. His using a lot of fuel on his trips only proves his point...we need cleaner fuel!
- If I hear one more parent curse at his/her kids, I'm gonna scream. I actually heard a mom say "shut the f... up!" to her child. Wanna guess who pays the bill when this kid goes to ju-v because he never learned self respect or respect for others?
- I've had it with the mid-west being described as "real" America and the people who live there as "real" Americans. I was in Iowa recently and you know what I found? Nothing! No wonder it's the "bible belt", there's nothing else to do, a good bowling alley would cure all that.
- We're 8 years into the 21st Century and i have a couple of complaints. First, where's my jet-pack? Second, where's my flying car? Third, I never got my appology from the Y2K people for making such a racket over nothing.
- People are complaining that there's a "war on Christmas". Yeah, there is and it's first casualty this year was the worker who was killed at Wal-mart when he opened the door and people trampled him. That's your war on Christmas. Black Friday has to do with Jesus's birth how?
- I'm not falling for Blu-Ray. I had to ditch my records for cassette tapes,then ditch my tapes for CDs then put them all on an iPod. Same with my videos. I got a really big DVD collection going after I got rid of all my video cassettes and now you want me to change them again. How many copies of Raiders of the Lost Ark do I have to buy in one lifetime
- Finally, yes, Obama will be our 1st black president but technically he'll also be our 44th caucasian president...where's the change?
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Emotional Catharsis.....  Do you feel better now? |
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Here's a challenge for everyone.
try to hit every one of GPD's pet peeves in a single sentence.
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about texted, maybe today it isn't a word. but if it catches on, it could make its way into the dictionary. english is a living lingo, it is constantly changing. |
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We've heard your complaints. We're also willing to throw in a free toaster if you drop this. |
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GPD, you are the best!  (toasters are so yesterday! Where's the new Blackberry Storm?) |
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