What I say in #196 is true. The fact AlaskanFree got so angry that he even finds it necessary to throw a stalker in my face proves I hit a sore spot.
The position that claims people are law abiding gun owners right up the moment they commit an atrocity and at that moment only do they become criminals is reprehensible. None of you even attempt{ except govols} to deal with the issues I raise or the concerns I express. You just keep saying the same thing over and over " She wants to take our guns away!!"
You people with your unbending views are why big changes are coming. You are part of the problem and don't care. Your "rights" mean "anything and everything that has to do with guns" to you....but your wrong and you will find that out soon enough. Gun control is not unconstitutional in spite of your protestations. Your anger and hatred of me for my views show what kind of fanatics you really are.
I am now finished with this thread. Throwing easyrider at me worked AlaskanFree. It shut me up. Congratulations.