 | | Message 10 of 15 in Discussion |
I'm no fan of Obama, but the Iraq fiasco is all the Bush administration's. Bush and Co. lied us into Iraq in the first place. Bush and Co. took their collective eye off the ball in Afghanistan/Pakistan. The needless war on Iraq was the best recruiting tool Al Qaeda ever had, according nto our own intelligence agencies. Bush and Co. installed an Iraqi government that ratified a constitution that changed a secular government into a government that is constitutionaly required to hold Sharia law above all else. Bush and Co. have signed off on the agreement to withdraw all our troops by December 31st, 2011. No matter what happens in Iraq, it is on the Bush administration. They broke it and they did nothing really, to fix it before leaving power. They made a huge mess and left it for the next administration. Mission accomplished? Not freakin' hardly! I am opposed to the democratic agenda. That in no way obligates me to defend or support the disaterous policies of Bush and Co's neoconservative nightmare administration. Obama won the election. I doubt that that is because of any wonderful thing he has done or proposed. He won, IMO, because the American people have rejected the failed ideology of neoconservatism. All these die hard Bush supporters would do well to examine what he has really stood for. He is no conservative. The GOP needs to wash it's hands of neoconservatism and rediscover good conservative principles like non-intervention, smaller, less intrusive government, states' rights, fiscal conservatism, strict constructionist interpretation of the constitution, you know, all those good conservative values that they abandoned in exchange for the bad liberal ones that are part and parcel of the neocon ideology. |