Tarna, pudding looks delicious - and low calorie too!

Will whip up for son who loves all things pumpkin. As a baby he would eat only the orange vegetables, squash, carrots, sweet potato.
Below is picture of Cranberry Pumpkin Upside Down Cake.
I've baked this cake twice, got it from Sunset Magazine. It is a really pretty, holiday-ish looking cake - berries look like jewels. Made a couple of adjustments - baked in a 10 inch heavy skillet not the 9" square pan called for. I think it's prettier somehow without angles. Also, in second try I added dried orange cranberries. I would recommend sweetened whipped cream to top, as cranberries are tart. Next time, I may marinate them in Gran Marnier and see what happens.
Preheat oven to 350. Toast 2/3 c. coarsely chopped walnuts for 10 minutes or so. Prepare pan or skillet - butter bottom and sides, line bottom with parchment paper.
1/4 c. butter plus more for pan.
1/2 c. firmly packed light brown sugar. (I always wonder if it's packed firmly enough...) :-)
1 Tbsp light or dark rum
1 1/3 c. fresh cranberries
2 large eggs
1 c. granulated sugar
1 c. canned pumpkin
1/3 c. canola or other veg oil
1 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt.
First, prepare topping. Melt butter in saucepan, stir in brown sugar until blended, add rum. Pour into buttered, lined pan and spread. Toss Walnuts and Cranberries so they're blended, then spread evenly over brown sugar mixture.
Make cake batter. Measure dry ingredients and mix, set aside. Beat eggs, granulated sugar, pumpkin and oil with mixer in large bowl until smooth. Stir flour mixture into pumpkin mixture. Spread batter evenly over cranberries and walnuts. (I use great big spoon to place dollops of batter all over pan - makes it easier to spread without disturbing your artfully arranged cranberries, as batter is thick)
Bake 35 to 45 min until skewer inserted in center comes out clean. Cool for at least 10 minutes in pan. Run thin-bladed butter knife around sides, and invert cake onto serving dish. (Another good reason for round baking pan). Remove pan, then parchment paper. Serve slightly warm or cool with whipped cream.