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 Message 1 of 116 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥»�?-Zenith--»»�?/nobr>  (Original Message)Sent: 10/7/2007 2:54 PM
I have always taken care of dogs but I have never had a puppy of my own before.  I have been looking for the right pup for quite some time now...even got involved with some crazy lady through a rescue that would only allow us to "observe" the pup and she would decide later who would get it.  Mind you I think I was the only one interested... but then along came Lucy.  I now have the sweetest little chihuahua.  The family that she came from had six kids and about six dogs so  she is such a people pleaser.   Lucy has been hilarious to watch chase our big old cat around. She just wants to be friends of course and the cat just wants to be left alone.  Lucy is making Buzz share his kitchen bed....she went around and picked up all of her toys and put them in there...staking her claim. is a couple of pictures of what has been keeping me so busy lately. 
(MSN is not letting me upload any more pics right now but these are two of her first pictures.) 

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 Message 102 of 116 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamelanles0Sent: 10/19/2008 4:31 AM
Oh the poor little thing..............LOL

 Message 103 of 116 in Discussion 
From: JoySent: 10/20/2008 12:40 PM
Zenith - What lovely pictures!!  I am laughing out loud here, looking at my lovely Lucy!!  By the look on her face, I think she is thinking...."If I was a doberman, you would be dead for doing this"........You know, I long suspected Brutus of being so far back in the closet, he was in Narnia,  glad you gave him the courage to come out
Love Buz to bits, but if I was to try to dress up Sid, he would eat the costume.
Of course, I am going to say that I love the red hair plaits.........wonderful, I have my own of course, but think I will keep mine.
You know that Barbara is like you, she puts clothes on animals, so I am dreading what she will do with Blue. 
By the way - welcome back Zenith, I am glad you found a few moments of freedom to be able to post.............miss your posts.

 Message 104 of 116 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥»�?-Zenith--»»�?/nobr>Sent: 10/30/2008 4:10 AM

 Message 105 of 116 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥»�?-Zenith--»»�?/nobr>Sent: 10/30/2008 4:11 AM

 Message 106 of 116 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTommye2�?/nobr>Sent: 10/31/2008 1:43 AM
Lucy looks absolutely stunning in her ladybug costume!  Although it appears she doesn't think she's 'all that'.  LOL  
I had bought my Mollydog a Princess costume after Halloween last year, thinking she could wear it this Halloween.  Uhhhhh...Mollydog has apparently gained a bit of weight since then.  Her dress doesn't fit.  I'm upset....and she's giddy! 

 Message 107 of 116 in Discussion 
From: JoySent: 11/1/2008 10:30 PM
LOL Tommye, I bet Mollydog deliberately gained weight
Love the picture of Lucy, and she looks like she is thinking - "one day lady, you lie on floor and  when you sleep, I come and poo in your ear, see how you like that eh"  I think she looks adorable, and I do miss her such a lot - no-one scratches my head for me as well as she does

 Message 108 of 116 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWorkRobDSent: 11/4/2008 1:50 AM
Am I the only one that noticed that everybody is talkin' and posting pictures of cute little doggies EXCEPT that pervert Johnboy. He's takin' & posting pictures of peoples butts.
keep up thr good work buddy

 Message 109 of 116 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥»�?-Zenith--»»�?/nobr>Sent: 11/4/2008 3:51 AM
I know you like the butts Bob...but I cannot induldge right now and you probably wouldn't like the butts I would post anyways

 Message 110 of 116 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥»�?-Zenith--»»�?/nobr>Sent: 11/4/2008 3:51 AM
Poor Buzz is what Lucy puts him through after she has a bath...Amanda managed to get a tape of her bad behavior
So innocent
Oddly enough they love each other though

 Message 111 of 116 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamelanles0Sent: 11/4/2008 10:34 AM
aint they cute??  LOL

 Message 112 of 116 in Discussion 
From: JoySent: 11/4/2008 1:36 PM
LOL, I see Lucy slowed down for the camera!!
That's funny Nancy, poor Buzz, he puts up with a lot, but at the same time, he seems to enjoy it - and I can confirm, that yes - those two are close.
I miss Lucy............

 Message 113 of 116 in Discussion 
From: JoySent: 11/4/2008 1:37 PM
I forgot to add............well spotted there Rob............are you going to alert the authorities that JB's medication needs upping, or shall I?

 Message 114 of 116 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWorkRobDSent: 11/4/2008 8:33 PM
He has medication?

 Message 115 of 116 in Discussion 
From: JohnBoySent: 11/5/2008 3:41 AM
Only when its forced Roberto.

 Message 116 of 116 in Discussion 
From: JoySent: 11/5/2008 9:44 PM
Hence the need for the funnel - it fits both ends..............

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