A Christmas Angel a long time ago Sat high on the Tree at my Nans All through the years She'd sit and just watch As Nan and I made lots of plans We'd laugh as we wrapped up a parcel or two Sing Carols and watch some Tv Maybe finnish the night with some Angel delight Or hot buttered toast and some tea That Angel would listen to storys Nan told And how my eyes lit up with glee And Im sure that she laughed When my Nan saw a mouse That hid in the branch of the Tree When Grandad was gone and time it marched on That Angel brought comfort I'm sure It remind her of him... as he brought her in The day he came home from the war Well the years they went by and my Nan and I Carefully tucked her in her tissue bed "You sleep through the year till the next Tree is here", The words that my Nan always said Then 5 years ago my Nan don't you know Was tucking that Angel away With a tear in her eye and an un natural sigh I froze as I heard her say Its nearly my time dear so next year shine bright Please look after... my family Wipe away fears and dry up their tears Because they'll be grieving for me That Angel she Glowed for a second and then My Nan laid her bed on the shelf I said dont be daft, but my Nan she Just Laughed She Just looked a picture of health To soon the time came When I knew it was true But I wouldnt admit it.... OH No I couldn't imagine a life without Nan Oh please Dear God...... I Love her so! February's cold chill, Nan lay there so still My world fell apart there and then I held her so tight... screaming "this isent right", But she didnt awaken again That Angel in tissue did lie at her feet In her casket for Nans Journey home Oh the pain was too much as I longed for her touch To go on with this life.... on my own Now the Christmas loomed near and the Tree looked so bare And my heart it was so sad and blue The baubles shone bright but it just wasnt right For someone was missing Nan.....YOU Then amid my heartache... I heard that Tree shake And what I saw bathed in pure light Was that Angel we'd share year after year It was looking at me with delight Her face it was new.... Oh Nan it was you!! That Smile I would know any where Those Lovely Blue eyes..... so old and so wise And soft flowing Silver white hair It was so clear to see ...that your Love for me Had sent back our Angel this night From Heaven for me... Just so I could see That your back safely home.... Christmas Night Trish 19-12-2006 In Loving Memory of my Nan my Best Friend I Miss You Till we meet again xxx |