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 Message 5 of 15 in Discussion 
From: Joy  in response to Message 1Sent: 12/17/2008 11:11 PM
Hayden had a couple of surprises for me - razor sharp top teeth (and whilst on the subject of teeth - remember how my dental brace dropped out in Ireland? Well - so far, so good, it stayed put in Scotland LOL)

Hayden now uses my hair, or Barbara's hair, to pull himself into a standing position, or if there is no hair available, he will use the furniture - at 7 months he is walking around the furniture and is now to be considered armed and dangerous with 4 teeth.

And talk about stubborn!!! Can't imagine where he gets that from (wink wink), but he is refusing to be spoon fed, no more baby food for him, no sir, now he has gnashers, he wants to use them on something other than human faces, as much fun as that Barbara now gives him cooked veges on his high-chair tray and he feeds himself............but he is still drinking milk from his bottle.

I tried to feed him some porridge when he was here, and I finished up wearing more than he ate, so I gave him the spoon and let him get on with it. Not sure what he was saying in his chatter as my daughter didn't specify that she wanted an English speaking baby, which means she has one that talks "foreign" but it is cute to listen to as he chatters on............and he seemed to like feeding himself.

Ok folks, settle down, final chapter coming up...............

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     re: Back from Scotland   Joy  12/17/2008 11:14 PM