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 Message 4 of 8 in Discussion 
From: Joy  in response to Message 3Sent: 12/19/2008 9:46 PM
Hmmmmm..............well let me think.............................just thought, even enjoyed the process, it was rather new to me.
I suggested to DH that he sit near the window of the coach and take photographs as we sped homewards from Scotland...............he could have called them......"Scotland Through A Rainy Coach Window"...............but he chose to sit on the aisle seat.
I did see some wonderful photographic opportunities, like when we passed a group of big industrial chimneys (on the way to Scotland), lovely clear weather, and they were belting out white smoke, I told him to quickly take a picure of the "Cloudmakers"..........he didn't.  Then I saw what was probably just a mound of slag or soil, big mound mind you, and the tracks of the trucks which had been running up it, had left lines, and I said......"Quick, take a picture, you can call that 'Pleated Mountain'.................but he missed that one.  Then the final one was when we were pulled up at lights and a tlorry pulled up beside us and the back was covered with sand, looked like they had delivered a load of sand somewhere and the empty lorry was covered with a thin layer of sand.................again I told him to take a picture, call it "Mobile Beach"..............but again, he let my imagination go to waste LOL
When we were in Ireland, and I noted how neat it all was, I suggested he do a series of photos of all the Traffic Roundabouts, in the British Isles, but he turned down my idea....................
For those who don't know, a traffic roundabout is a way of controlling traffic at a busy crossroads, think of it as a round garden in the middle of the road.  Those in Ireland were in fact beautiful gardens, very neat, and I have to admit, since I started to look, apart from the ones in town centres and industrial estates, which tend to be a mini roundabout anyway (a circle painted in the middle of the crossroads), there are some really well tended and pretty roundabouts in England and Scotland................
Not even the prospect of checking out the neatness of roundabouts can get me to go to Wales with DH

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     re: Thank You   JohnBoy  12/20/2008 3:38 AM