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General : Merry Christmas from Joy
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From: Joy  (Original Message)Sent: 12/25/2008 12:29 AM
 It is now Christmas Day here in Britain, about 30 minutes into it in fact, so before I sign out to go to bed, I would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas.
There is no snow here in the village, in fact, I am not sure if there is any snow in England, but we don't usually have a white Christmas here.
I just opened the door to let Sid out - he goes out through the front door and comes in through the catflap at the back - and it is cold out there!!
Today I went to see my doctor, seems I have bronchitis.........seems he had it too LOL, so he gave me the same antibiotics he took when he had it, apparently it is something which is doing the rounds.  He said the antibiotics will clear the chest infection, but the cough takes longer to clear - it lessens, in that I won't sound like I am coughing my lungs up, but the cough does seem to linger, he still has his.
So, I will sign out and wish you all a Merry Christmas, and hopefully, a Happy and Peaceful New Year to come.

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     re: Merry Christmas from Joy   JohnBoy  12/25/2008 3:33 AM