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General : I Have Bronchitis
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From: Joy  (Original Message)Sent: 12/25/2008 12:54 AM
Today I went to see my doctor, and it seems I have bronchitis............along with thousands more people in this country, I think it is yet another bug doing the rounds.  Even my own doctor has had it!!  He gave me the same antibiotics he had, and he said that the chest infection will stop, but the coughing will continue for a while, but will be coughing, not "couching up your lungs" coughing.
Yesterday I felt really ill, probably the lowest I have felt since I got back from Scotland, and it is said that one has to get worse before one can get better, well, I think that was my turning point because today, my wheezing has gone, and I felt a lot better, even before going to the doctor.
He said he could hear no wheezing, but he tested my lungs and they are 97%, which is good - he showed me that his were 97% too.
Anyay, I am no longer contagious, which was good because I had Hayden and Barbara popping round at lunchtime and I so desperately wanted to be able to cuddle Hayden.  Just as well because as soon as he saw me, he reached out for me, and when I held him, he headbutted me, pulled my hair and bit my face - LOL - he loves me
Once inside the house, Barbara said "watch this Mum" and she took Hayden's two hands and he stood up, and then, holding his hands, she walked backwards and he took 5 steps, still being held by the hand - before he decided to dance..................he hears music and he dances and sings!!.  When he walks around the furniture, you have to be with him because he will cross his little feet and then forget how to uncross them, so funny.
Today (Christmas Day here) Hayden will be 8 months old - I cannot believe how quickly this time has passed!!!
Anyway, I am off to bed, I have to get up tomorrow early to get the turkey into the oven to cook it for dinner.
Night night everyone, I will try to get in to say good morning at least, tomorrow and Boxing Day, but will be busy for the rest of the day in each case.

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     re: I Have Bronchitis     12/25/2008 3:37 AM
     re: I Have Bronchitis   JohnBoy  12/25/2008 3:38 AM